That's because the Mongoose authors want to make Traveller more like Star Wars.
And (IMHO) there's nothing inherently bad (nor inherently good) on it... After all, the Imperium seemed quite more SW Empire at the beginings of Traveller, though as OTU was described it became more benevolent
The main fact we confront here is
We really don't know a dime about how space combat may be in the Future
We may speculate to boredom, but until we know what tech advances allow it to be true, and we test it, all we can give is speculations, and even the best informed have found to be wrong in the past.
- General Pershing allegedly said in 1912 that "aircrafts are interesting toys,but without military interest" (or so I read many years ago)...
- Battle of Lissa "showed" the Naval Strategists of its time that armored ships were imprevious to gunnery fire, and future was in rams...
- Before Tarento (and even after it by many) ports were seen as the safest places for ships, and torpedoes could not be launched there by planes...
- Until XIX centurey it was believed a man moving (by any means, not just running) at more than 35 km/h would have tis breath taken away
Absurd, you'll say, but that was the "experts' opinion" of the time...
And Traveller, trying to give guidelines for combat, is not free of those problems, different versions having different visions (and no one really knows wich one would be more "realistic", if any).
As I said in the thread from wich this one splintered, if we look other SF settings, we can go from SW or BG, where fighters dominate space combat to ST, where (at least to my knowledge, but I've never been a Trekkie) they don't even exist, while in some otheres (as 2300AD) they are just another factor in combat, and may be from decisive to irrelevant depending on the specific situation (but all fleets want to have them near)