It wasn't so much as left off as deliberately omitted. If you think through the design sequence for High Guard all Imperial military ships are 6G (or should be). While we were coming up with the options, we couldn't find a good example to cover the use.
Interesting; makes me wonder all of a sudden (why this just occurred I have no idea, but there y'go) why there's a limit of M6, given the artificial gravity capability; presumably there are inertial dampers as well, so why the M6 limit, can ships not have faster acceleration, or was it a deliberate limitation in the ruleset?
Well, its a defense. So fighters do rotate a lot. They also have standby wings. Real world example, during 9/11 there we're only 2 fighters in the air in the north east (covering several states) because we we're at peace. They could not cover the territory quickly.
I don't tend to use the wiki, but prefer the books. I had a rebuilt Gazelle in one game i re-classified as Griffon, pardon the lapse. Either way, close escorts add value, fighters add value to a tight defense.
Hmm. We have a similar problem with our ADIZ, trust me.
One point that occurs to me, is that if an enemy somehow manages to sneak in a stealthy surveillance platform, having defensive vessels hidden in place for extended periods makes for good defensive practices; rotating them all the time tends to reveal harbour/leaguer and hide locations all the more quickly to such platforms. Hey, I tend to think worst case scenario, it's how I was trained

Still, this needs further thought.
As usual, comments/suggestions/thought/ideas welcome