Since the Hague Convention of 1907 specified that "The Contracting Parties agree to abstain from the use of bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body, such as bullets with a hard envelope which does not entirely cover the core, or is pierced with incisions."
This was ratified by most nations in 1910; subsequently, the US military then tested all manner or weapons to determine which bullets they could use within the protocols that were most lethal, directly leading to the adoption of the .45 cal M1911 as the sidearm of choice, with it's heavy, wide, subsonic round.
The British .303 and .38 slugs were specifically designed to keyhole by biasing the weight of the slug to the rear so it would flip around upon impact. It technically met the spirit of the convention while still being designed to increase damage.
The 5.56 NATO round is similar, as it's small size and length causes it to tumble after penetration, especially after going through body armor.
I believe that much of what you are saying is in error. The choice of the .45 caliber handgun round by the United States and the adoption of weight-biased, pointed bullets have little to do with the Hague Convention. For one reason, both the .45 pistol round and the .303 were in use long before the 1910 date you give. The .45 was the caliber of the original U.S. handgun cartridge, the .45 Colt. The .45 caliber was chosen because, expanding or not, it was the best disabler and the U.S. was in the process of developing the .45 ACP starting around 1904.
Regarding the tumbling effect of pointed rifle bullets; this is due to ballistic shape; the desire for the bullet to retain more velocity as it travels through the air - any increase to wounding ability is secondary. This isn't to say that subsequent developers have not tried to enhance the distruction caused by this tumbling, Only that pointed bullets existed decades before the Hague convention and only the thickness of their jacket material was effected by it.