Isn't this a contradiction of terms? Here in your own example, you have demonstrated the effect of being 'stopped' by being shot.
No. Not as the term is commonly used. What I refer to, and what any professional (or civilian so concerned) would consider to be the only true measure of "stopping power" is the ability of the shooter - not necessarily the gun. Shot placement and a penetrating round of whatever caliber you are proficient with. The fact that if you penetrate to the brain or heart and stop the threat thereby has a high duh factor.
It is not "stopping power" as in "the .45 has high stopping power and the 9mm doesn't" that you are referring to.
Back in the 1950's when the FBI agents carried 5-shot .38 caliber snubbed nosed revolvers, they were taught to shoot the 'Inverted T' ~ Two shot to the chest/abdomen and one to the head. The round fired at the head was not meant to kill, but merely 'incapacitate'.
Officers are still taught that method, which is often called the "Mozambique Drill". The reason for it, though, has more to do with the increased likelihood that a threat may have body armor than that the first two rounds won't have stopped him. We taught a two-shot minimum response to any lethal threat to also maximize the chance of neutralizing the threat...which is a good thing since in all of the officer involved shootings we had while I was there nobody ever finished with that third shot.