This is a work in progress:
Frog Class Attack Ship
Attack Ship DG-C646AJ2-604400-49009-0 3000 tons
..............................(batteries) 12 1 TL=15
Passengers=0. Cargo=24. Fuel=1710. EP=300. Agility=6. Hardpoints=1. Ship's Boat=1.
Tonnage: 3000 tons (standard). cubic meters.
Crew: 27 (7 Officers +4 Ratings Bridge, 2 Officers +5 Ratings Engineering, 2 Officers +5 Ratings Gunnery)
Performance: Jump-4. 6-G. Power plant-A. 300 EP. Agility 6.
Electronics: Model 9 fib (J) computer.
Hardpoints: One hardpoint with a triple Beam Laser turret installed.
Armament: Three 50 ton bays, 2 Fusion Gun, One Missile.
Defenses: Armored Hull Factor 6, Meson Screen Factor 4, Nuclear Damper Factor 4.
Craft: One 27 ton Ship's Boat in fitted compartment, 39 tons total. (usually refered to as the Tadpole).
Fuel Treatment: Fuel scoops integral to ship, Fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr standard (no architect fees for this standard design ship). MCr in quantity.
Construction Time:
Comments: The Frog Class Attack Ship (other names Toad, Caecilian, Salamander) are named for the aspects of an amphibian (both land and this case, space). Born of a need for a large interstellar capable attack ship to hit planetary targets in both bombing runs and ground support missions. Since the Fifth Frontier War, these ships have been produced in large numbers. In it's normal configuration, the armored ship has twin 50 ton Fusion Guns in retractable mounts at the outer edges of it's lower saucer section with a 50 ton missile bay in the belly, the only other armament is an auxilliary triple laser turret on the chin of the ship. It's armor, nuclear damper and meson screen render it almost invulnerable to all but heavy naval emplacement ground fire.
A highly utilitarian feature of this ship is the ability to separate the upper wedge section from it's lower saucer section. However, the lower section, as well containing the main armament, also contains the Jump Drive and it's fuel. Other modular sections that can be docked (a 15 minute turnaround time) are troop landers, weapons pods, hospital or even a headquarters command section. These sections are often carried in by freighters as they eschew Jump Drives and fuel for more carrying capacity.
Another unusual feature of the Frog Class is that many squadrons are manned solely by Marines due to it's ground support mission with Marine pilots and other crew cross trained by the navy. Marine Frog crews can be recognized by their distinctive patches of a Green Frog on a Black background with the motto "If you feel froggy - JUMP!" Often these ships can be seen decorated in vibrant color schemes, then getting burned to a mottled coloration during ballistic atmospheric entry of an attack. Frog Class ships are often seen on independent raids to reduce planetary infrastructure as well as second of the battle line ready to support the landing of Marine forces.