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Gatekeeper class Armed trader

Many of the minor plantery navies and client states along the imperiums borders lack the industail ability to build thier own starships. However, they do have the ability to extensivly modify existing hulls for new purposes. a classic example of this is the Gatekeeper class Armed trader, built by Sassanid Heavy Industry, mostly form thier secondry shipyards in Deneb and Vland sectors.

Gatekeeper class Armed trader
Sassanid faced a growing demand form planetry navies and indpendant systems outside the imperium for a small, jump capable ship that could be maintained using thier local resources, and for coversions to "aquired" merchant ships. Sassanid designers settled on a series of designs that could be retrofitted to a existing far hulls at any class C rated starport, or built as new contruction at any class B rated or better. Sassanid ship conversion kits, along with a few advisors, to those customers seeking to convert existing ships. the process takes about 16 weeks, though some conversions have been completed in as little as 12 weeks.

the Gatekeeper class Armed trader is based on a heavily remodled jump 2 Jayhawk Class Far Trader hull. the "trader" element of its name is a holdover indecating the civillvain orign of the hull, and the ship and only limited cargo room, the rest being repurposed. the ship uses about 60% of the orignal far trader parts, and merchant crewmen with experence with far traders find it easy to adapt to the gatekeeper. The ships armour is doubled, and the ships manuver drives and power plants are expanded, giving the ship a respectable 4 G acceleration. a 15 man barrack block is fitted in front of the old cargo bay, with a breeching tube fitted, for boarding and customs work, something the customer navies find to be very useful. fuel storage is increased slightly, to extend the operational lifetime of the vessel, allowing for a patrol into a neighbouring system without refueling (jump1 in, week in system, jump1 out, back to base with a weeks fuel in the tank).

Armements are 4 SHI Bessus mk2 Pluse lasers, a SHI Darius missle launcher and a Agis mk3 sandcaster, mounted in triple turrets. the Bessus mk 2 is a reworking of Sassanid's standard pluse laser, designed to reduce maintiance hours and ease repair by use of modular components, allowing almost 90% of the weapons system to be removed without dismounting the turret. the focusing coils were also rebuilt to increase the accuracy of the lasers.

Noteable variants
the Gatekeeper B is designed to act as a pocket carrier, with the barrack space and boarding tubes removed and the hold space converted to use as a hanger for a three ship flight of 10 ton light fighters. several megacorps have purchased this version, and used it in a Q-ship role, beefing up the escort coverage of their convoys. the living spaces are somewhat cramped, and thier is no room to proform maintainance on the fightiers onboard, meaning fequent lay ups in starports to conduct repairs on the fighters and let the crew strech their legs. however, the operators accept these shortcomings for signidcant boost to firepower, and the ability to enguage two targets at once with some hope of sucess.

Sales and customer feedback
the gatekeeper has proven to be a moderatly popular choice for cash-strapped systems seeking a cheap vessel for customs and anti-piracy work. at less than 100Mcr new, the ship is less half the price of a Gazelle Close Escort, and has proven to be a perfectly capable of policing merchant traders and driving off light pirate vessels. while most early sales were for conversion kits, the last 20 years have seen a rise in customers ordering new construction gatekeepers, seeing it as a cheap way to get new light warships into service, while taking advantage of crew familiarity with far traders.



well, this is my frist attempt at designing a ship. its built for Mogoose traveller, with parts form High Guard. comments, critques, etc welcome.
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Nice Q Ship

Well I say Q Ship as it fits the definition ..
Looks like a trader Smells Like a trader has teeth..and a bit more hide..
Very Nice ..

Makes a decent light pirate as well..

Looks like you have room for more crew thus some extended patrols are possible as well..
if i may be so bold, was thier anything in particular you liked about the design? I assume it was the fluff for the build, as its stats are fiarily bland.

Where are the blueprints?!?!!! If someone is asking you for publication rights by all means give them pretty pictures and tech drawings.
Not to throw a wet towel on everything, but ....

I am not sure I can see the doubled armor as going along withthe refit theory, Yes I imagine you could double the armor, But as A REFIT?
Indeed; it is backstory and "pretty pictures" that distinguish one set of stats from another. Anyone can punch numbers into a spreadsheet and generate a stat sheet for the Lotus CXXIII-class Anonymous Generic Merchant. What makes a ship interesting is the story of its conception, construction, quirks, refits, discontinuation, and so on. If there are renders and/or deckplans, so much the better.
Not to throw a wet towel on everything, but ....

I am not sure I can see the doubled armor as going along withthe refit theory, Yes I imagine you could double the armor, But as A REFIT?

Just one such example of retrofit armor is the reactive armor that was added to tanks in the 70's and 80's.
With respect to refitting the armor, I have feelings both ways on the issue.

In the real world examples given, the armor upgrade was added to the exterior resulting in a heavier and larger craft. It did not displace internal volume and was not compensated for by cutting away internal mass from other components.

On the other hand, it would not be impossible to spray apply composite armor inside an existing hull. One would need to strip all of the conduits and wiring from the outer walls and reinstall them after the armor was added.

It might also be possible to remove the panels and replace them with panels that were thicker BETWEEN the ships structural frame members and the same thickness across the frame members - again requiring adjustments to internal bulkheads.

The optimum solution would probably be to replace 5% titanium armor with 5% bonded armor and upgrade that way (which is closer to the tank reactive armor upgrade mentioned above).

And a completely different solution would be to install additional internal bracing to reduce the effective distance that the armor plate must span, which will allow it to better resist penetration.

It is an interesting problem and a good discussion.
Thank you for bringing it up.
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Comments on the design itself:

I noticed that you added repair drones but not the auto-repair program that uses them.

The breaching tube uses a fair amount of valuable tonnage would a fighter to provide another turret have been a better use of those 10 tons?

Is it possible to replace a turret with a barbette in Mongoose Traveller?
Would it offer a significant combat improvement?

These are just suggestions of possible alternatives, not general criticism of the design. I very much enjoyed the descriptive narrative, it was very well done.
Comments on the design itself:

I noticed that you added repair drones but not the auto-repair program that uses them.

oops. I'll fix that when i get back to my books.

The breaching tube uses a fair amount of valuable tonnage would a fighter to provide another turret have been a better use of those 10 tons?

debatable. depends wether you see expect to try and board a activly resisting ship or not. FIghters would likey increase total fire power, but would not help the ship in a customs and searching role.

it would be a valid alternate design to replace the whole barrack and breeching tube with a two or three light fighters (havnt done the math for it yet, but 30 tons for both barracks and tubes. either 3 fighters in conformal hangers (stealing some cargo space for that) or two in standard ones), and use the ship in a "escort carrier" role. I mght add that to the orignal post, actually.....

Is it possible to replace a turret with a barbette in Mongoose Traveller?
Would it offer a significant combat improvement?

yes, they exists (added in the mongoose edition of High Guard), they weigh 6 tons (5 for the barbette, 1 for fire control), plus any ammo requirements. off the top of my head, they mount mostly kenetic weaponry (namly, railguns and torpedos (a heavier, slower missle)), so would likey need extra room for ammo. the railgun offers good short range firepower, and the torp packs quite a bit of punch, but i, personally, think that the space could be better used elsewhere.

These are just suggestions of possible alternatives, not general criticism of the design. I very much enjoyed the descriptive narrative, it was very well done.

thank you very much.

on another note:

In the real world examples given, the armor upgrade was added to the exterior resulting in a heavier and larger craft. It did not displace internal volume and was not compensated for by cutting away internal mass from other components.

yes, but traveller tracks armour value (and pretty much everything) by % of internal volume. so while we may, IC, be adding armour to the outside of the hull, OOC, the game tracsks this as a reduced internal volume

And a completely different solution would be to install additional internal bracing to reduce the effective distance that the armor plate must span, which will allow it to better resist penetration.

the mongoose High Guard rules cover internal bracing as a seperate option, namly, you can trade internal volumne for Hull and Structure points.

The optimum solution would probably be to replace 5% titanium armor with 5% bonded armor and upgrade that way (which is closer to the tank reactive armor upgrade mentioned above).

well, upgrading the armour form one type to another is going to involve replacing the entire hull, plate by plate.

Reactive armour on tanks is a series of bolt on packages that sit on top of the normal armour. adding it is mostly a case of welding the attachment points onto the hull.

I am not sure I can see the doubled armor as going along withthe refit theory, Yes I imagine you could double the armor, But as A REFIT?

well, we are already ripping out a large part of the innards of the ship to install new parts. New M-drive, new p.plant, extra fuel space, installing the breeching tube, converting cargo hull to barracks space, fitting magazines for the two turrets, and feed lines to the guns, along with access to said magazines to reload them, more advanced sensors, etc.

we're basically gutting the hull, and completly rebuilding the ship.
I was glancing at High Guard and the Breaching tube is TL 10 and 3 dT not 10 dTons ... you have another 7 dT to play with.
okay, fixed those bugs pointed out to me, and added a three fighter carrier varient. I've plans to do two other ship designs

1) another "converted" merchant ship, this time the iconic 200 ton Beowulf Free Trader. going to reinforce the innars up teh wazoo (40 tons reinforcement, more than double the Hull and Structure points!)

2) a proper escort carrier. somthing that can luanch and recover, say a 12 ship squadron of fighter properly (i.e. via luanch tubes). while keeping up with a fleet on manuvers (so 6G and J4).