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Generic Energy Weapons


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Have you ever considered replacing Lasers, Plasma Etc. etc. with Generic "Energy" weapons as per the various SF as portrayed in the Media?
Nope. I like crunchy even if it's speculative crunchy.

Perhaps appropriate to that two page Cepheus minimalist approach, otherwise viva la difference.
You mean like generic blasters that fire 'energy' so slowly you can see the path. dodge them or even catch them?
No :)
Have I ever constructed TL16+ plasma pistols, fusion pistols, meson rifles and the like using FF&S?
Yes :)
Before this thread disappears into three pages of 'humour' - my issue with generic 'energy weapon' is that I prefer to be able to make the science and technology of my sci-fi games consistent, Handwavium and unobtanium may be involved but I still have a rule that has stood the test of time:
no energy weapons that are actually worse than a modern slug throwers
in my universe...

Firearm: common
Laser: common, expensive for troops.
Particle Weapon: Common, Ships only.
Disruptors: Rare
Plasma: cheap, short range but still rare.
Before this thread disappears into three pages of 'humour' - my issue with generic 'energy weapon' is that I prefer to be able to make the science and technology of my sci-fi games consistent, Handwavium and unobtanium may be involved but I still have a rule that has stood the test of time:
no energy weapons that are actually worse than a modern slug throwers
I have broken down the lasers as present into a wider range of formats. I also have pretty much eliminated "Reflect" as armor type, in that composites would be more effective and would be assumed to be part of things like Cloth.
An Energy Pistol from the TV show "V", which used some kind of pellet that turned into Energy.

And an Energy Blade. An Energy version of a Blade. But basically the Traveller version of a Lightsaber. Don't remember what powered it.
Pretty sure that TNE Laser and Energy weapons were cartridge based.

Both were available in TNE (at least for Lasers).

  • Lasers:
    • Power Cell: Direct Energy Input (DEI)
    • Excimer Cartridge: Chemical Laser Cartridge (CLC)
  • Plasma/Fusion:
    • Chemical Plasma Cartridge (CPC)
    • Chemical Fusion Cartridge (CFC)