Most of this discussion focuses on movies and TV. What is the general view of the state of written science fiction?
There is a LOT of apparently military sci-fi out there.
Bujold has moved the Vorkosiverse stories somewhat away from military matters in recent Miles novels, but I've not read Captain vorPatril's Alliance.
Honor Harrington was militarist in the extreme, and may have likewise migrated political... but I rejected reading it further after the 5th book, because any sane military should have ejected her... possibly out an airlock by an angry NCO.
Recent Enderverse stuff is VERY much more militant than Xenocide, Speaker for the Dead, and Children of the Mind were. Some of it actively military, the rest geopolitical with military characters important.
Dune's always been rather militant a setting, what with armed houses and such, but is not properly military sci-fi. Recent novels by Herbert & Anderson are no exception. (Tho' I found "Paul of Dune" too inchoherent to read.)
Falconberg's Legion got recent omnibus re-offerings.
Star Trek novels have multiple subsettings now, but almost all are still active duty Star Fleet.
Star Wars novels are rampant, but I gave up in the 90's, so I can't tell much about the newer ones.
Ringworld recently got another installment, with Fate of Worlds due out in 2012 and appears to have been released. I'll get to it eventually. Not very militarist as a series, but definitely not free of lots of violence.
I see all kinds of military SF covers that I don't bother picking up.