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"Grandmother" The Neo-Ancient Matriarch

Sir Brad

Droyne, Drone, All
Terms ?
Appeal-6, Prediction-6, Liaison-6, Flying-6, Instruction-6, Steward-6, Admin-6, Computer-6, JoT-6, Medical-6, Psionics-5, Leader-3, 0g Combat-3, 0g Weapons-3, Vacc Suit-3, Grav-2, Unarmed Combat-2, Pilot-2, Navigation-2, Laser Weapons-2. Other skills as needed

Psionics: All

The Being known as "Grandmother" is the first (and so far only) of the "Neo-Ancients" born in the era of Human History known as "the Long Night" she quickly developed vast Psychic powers not long after her Casting. she has used her Psyicialy extended life span to acquire a phenomenal number of skills and experiences many of them are half forgotten to her still partly asleep mind.

"Grandmother" has bean in a state of suspended animation for the past many centuries and much of her mind still slumbers, but as she explorers the universe again more and more of it awakens unlocking memories and knowledge of ages past.

"Grandmother" wanders from place to place by means unknown (she has a star ship) assisting the Droyne (often without their knowledge) in various means, normally by spreading Technology and Lore but also by gifting them Coyns.
Whoa, a drone Deathless with Rejuvenation level 15!

Of course deathless don't always get immediate recognition or even cooperation from Droyne communities, I would assume either her reputation precedes her (and the local non-Droyne just chalk it up to more superstition), or she has a special psychic 'handshake' that causes the youngun's to sit down, shut up and listen (and here's how to turn off the death machines deep beneath your planet's crust, should they ever 'rouse).

In the modern era, 'Grandmother' might even be sought after by certain savvy Imperial scientists who've made the Droyne<=>Ancients connection, thinking her to be one of the actual 'grandchildren'.

Oddly enough, this writeup kinda reminds me of Baba Yaga *shudder*.
She is very much a Droyne Dr. Who, a legend often mistaken for the "Grandfather" Myth on one of a number of legendary heroes by non-Droyne. Grandmother has bean asleep for a long time, she only awoke around 1100.

as for gear well she normally has a TL-15 Tailored Vacc Suit with Thermal & Optical Camouflage Psi enhanced and all that, TL-15 Grav Wings, TL-15 Mini Laz Pistol (as Laz Pistol only tiny). TL-15 Laz pistol (as powerful as a Laser Rifle only as handy as a laser pistol), Multi-Feed Snub Pistol, a TL-15 Scaner. but usually makes do with TL 10-13 stuff. back on her ship she has a small Cashe of Ancient Artefacts (last time around she went on a bit of a archaeology kick and still lugs around a few interesting and/or useful items).

Grandmother looks young and (Generally) doesn't advertise who she is, if those she helps realise who she is she's normally long gone before they figure it out, especially now she's just come back in to circulation. normally she is the Clever Wizard in the stories the Drone tell the Chirpers.

I played a Nerfed version of Grandmother back in the day through all the Droyne adventurers, she actually met Grandfather in about 1107, although things where difficult to start with they soon came to an understanding, She sticks to helping out the Droyne and doesn't mess with His Experiments and He lets Her Live. around 1110 she started seeding worlds with Droyne she uplifted from Chirpers taken from other worlds and she started laying eggs again. her on again off again Companion was a young Sport.
Complication: As a non-Sport, she is either going to have a retinue of at least five minions to disguise the fact that she can stay sane without the company of representatives of the five other castes, or she'll have to pretend to be a krinaytsoyni, whch will hamper her ability to interact with ordinary Droyne.

A lot of the time she just uses a telepathic Perception Filter (Automatic version of the Jedi Mind Trick) that basically sais "Nothing to see hear, Everything normal, By the way pass it along" by the time she's not around to reinforce it any more she's gone and maybe they realise "Bugger that was Grandmother! why didn't I ask her for the secrets of the universe?".

She gets around in a J4 200 Dton ship with Hiver grade electronics, not that she shows it off, it's just Transport and a mobile home.
Complication: As a non-Sport, she is either going to have a retinue of at least five minions to disguise the fact that she can stay sane without the company of representatives of the five other castes, or she'll have to pretend to be a krinaytsoyni, whch will hamper her ability to interact with ordinary Droyne.


Is she really interested in interacting with anyone? At what point does her intellectual superiority remove her from being capable of meaningful social interaction at our level? She would probably lose patience just waiting for someone to formulate the response to her last statement. Once the frustration became unbearable, she'd go about doing her own thing, probably cloning herself like Grandfather did just so she'd have someone to talk to.
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The guy that GMéd the character that "Grandmother"is based on found a box of old travller stuff at his parents place during a clean up, amoung it was the character folio for the PC that Granmother is based on, in the filio was a Book 2/AM5 version of her ship.

Droyne Expedition (Type DE)

200 Ton Streamlined Wedge Hull with D J-Drive (Jump-4), D M-Drive (Maneuver-4) and D Power-plant, (Enhanced) Model 4 Computer, there is 102 tons of Flue for the Drives and Power-plant. the ship has a communal living area suitable for up to 6 Droyne. it has two automated Triple Turrets one mounting three Beam Lasers and an other with three Sandcasters and a 15 ton Cargo bay with re-configurable bulkheads that allows part of it to be isolated for various purposes such as a Vehicle Bay or some other purpose.
normally crewed by a tyafelm or kroylos it can realistically be crewed by any combination of Pilot, Navigator and Engineer.

the ship appears to be a standard TL13 type DE but is in fact a TL15 variant with Enhanced Computers and Electronics (roughly equal to those used by the Hiver) and advanced Stealth & Cloaking capabilities.