On P. 154...
"Modifiers apply to all attack, skill, and save checks."
What I would like to know is, how does being in lower or heavier gravity affect someone's Fortitude or Will save. Does the body or mind get weaker outside normal gravity. I can see Reflex saves affected, but not Will and Fort.
Also shouldn't skills that do not require and pysicial activity (Knowledge), not be affected?
-The Luddite
"Modifiers apply to all attack, skill, and save checks."
What I would like to know is, how does being in lower or heavier gravity affect someone's Fortitude or Will save. Does the body or mind get weaker outside normal gravity. I can see Reflex saves affected, but not Will and Fort.
Also shouldn't skills that do not require and pysicial activity (Knowledge), not be affected?
-The Luddite