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Great Space Rally-Scav. Hunt adventure idea


Hi all, new member here,
I don't have any people nearby who are interested in playing in or running a Traveller (any version) game. :(

But I am greatly interested in the Traveller game (i have books from every version) and was wondering what sort of adventure ideas Referees are using out there.

I realize that this forum is for characters, but I didn't really see any other forum for airing adventure ideas.

I've had an idea that I haven't fully fleshed out, but I really like the idea of having the characters getting invovled in "Great Space Race".
a road rally-scavenger hunt kinda deal...the characters are given a long list of clues leading to different destinations whre they must find information or items and the final clue leads to the "finish line". The first group back with all (or the most) correct information/items wins the prize (big MCr, a ship, whatever)

One twist I've thought of is that the whole event is setup by a high level aristo as a covert means to gather info/intel on various planets/people throughout the region.

so any comments/ideas?

I'd also love to hear anyone else's adventure ideas.

You have a spare month to lock yourself away to do all the background for this rat race? They are going to be hopping everywhere and could get hard to anticipate unless you are very careful, or lead them by the nose. :rolleyes:
A good way to start might be to rip off a few favorite authors ideas. You spent the time reading the books, so use them.
Side note, preplanning adventures is great, if the PCs go there. But herding the PCs in the proper direction can be your biggest frustration.
That is the main reason I like to keep the PCs in ships capable of Jump 1 or 2. Nover going to let them get their greedy paws on a J6 Courier again.