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Gross Domest Products for Spinward Subsectors

Originally posted by jasper:
HMM your mission far trader and hal is a simple repo job. The last know location is on the disk.
Only a few marines and navy pukes stand in you way.
Go forth and repo the sixth fleet.
This would be an very interesting adventure.
Originally posted by Bhoins:
Hal, How do I calculate the GDP for a planet that I only have CT stats for? Is there a conversion table? (Pax Rulin Subsector is on the Rimward Border of Glisten Subsector and was presented in Adventure 4 Leviathian.)

There isn't much there but since it is under the domain of the Glisten Subsector Government, it should be included, though I expect it won't add any more than the few planets under Imperium Jurisdiction/Glisten's domain in District 268 does. (About MCr120,000)
The spreadsheet is now available for downlad at my website. All that you really need to do is convert the TL from Traveller to GURPS Tech level. The spreadsheet has the data on the Per capita income. And as it turns out, if you can determine the trade factors, all that are pertinent are:

De,As, Ni, & Po (bad modifiers each worth .8)
Ri,In, Ag (good modifiers worth 1.6, 1.4, and 1.2 respectively)

TL is Traveller Tech 13 (Gurps Tech 10)
World pop is 10^6
Pop multiplier is 5
Total pop = 5*10^6
Multiply TL 10 Per capita Income x Population x Trade modifiers.

That's all there is to it.
Word of Caution:
The numbers will be reasonablly close to accurate - but there are going to be either typos or I used sources that are incompatable with each other. For instance, GURPS BEHIND THE CLAW apparantly made some mistakes, as did GURPS FAR TRADER, as did a few other sources I'm betting. In addition, there was one world (I forget now which one it was) that had stats different in the Spinward Marches Suppliment that was seemingly modified by either TSMC or BTC :( So match it against your own sources if you like - or use it as you see fit. The thought police won't bang down your door (nor will I for that matter) if you change the values given in the spread sheet. ;)

I suspect that somewhere along the way, I will try to interpolate some of the Traveller Tech levels out of the GURPS tech levels so that TL 12 is treated differently than TL 13 (but it would be heretical and might not be all that good). But it at least gives you an idea of where to start