SOC-14 1K
GTL-11 Qasar Class Scout Cruiser
Introduction This is a conversion of the Qasar class Scout Cruiser from the EPIC Adventure 5 converted to GURPS. To get the ship working, I had to make various changes:
+ The TechLevel was raised by one Techlevel to fit all the systems
+ The universal hangar bay was replaced by a vehicle-specific Vehicle Bay
+ I dropped the solar sails since they are useless in GURPS:Traveller
+ I reduced the cargo volume
General Description The Qasar class scout cruiser is an older ship in service with the ISS since the mid 900rds. Designed for mid to long range exploration missions in and beyond the borders of the empire it fills a middle ground between the 400dt Donosev scout ship and the 3000dt Scout cruisers.
The ships mission package includes planetary and astrographic survey sensors, enhanced long-range passiv arrays, three dedicated laboratory modules and a probe launcher and some workspace/conference space. To enhance the region
surveyed the ship carries a Typ-S Scout ship in addition to a 10dt launch.
To enhance it's survivability during missions outside the Empire, the ship has redundant Jump- and Maneuver Drives, hardened computer systems, a armored hull and a limited self-defence armament consisting of two triple laser turrets and two triple sandcasters. This is complemented by a large engineering workshop. The ship is equiped with a liquid crystal (environmental assimilation) hull and some basic emmision masking to allow initial observations without being detected.
The crew consists of a sixteen person vehicle operations crew, six to eight laboratory crew and three crewpersons for the Type-S. They share a total of fifteen cabins, three single ones for the Captain, Chief Engineer and Chief Scientist] and 12 double occupancy cabins. To keep them healthy and fit they have access to a well equiped sick bay and a moderate sized gym.
The ship is fully streamlined and equiped for frontiere refueling. It has a 4 parsek jump range (J-1 reserve engine) and is capabel of 2g of thrust (1g reserve unit) with full contragrav compensation.
Technical data
1000dt streamlined hull, 2348to loaded weight, 419MCr excluding subcraft
Hull armor: 200DR Superdense with Liquid Crystal Skin and Basic EM-Masking
Weapons :Four fully streamlined turrets with 2x3 GTL-11 Lasers and 2x3 GTL-11 Sandcasters
Crew: 5 Bridge, 5 Engineering, 4 Gunner, 1 Medical, 4-6 Laboratory, 2 Probe Operators, 3 Scout crew, 1 Launch Operator
Quarters: 15 Staterooms, Sickbay, Gymnasium
Science: 3 Laboratories (1 Simulation Lab, 2 Physical Lab), 1 Office Space
(Conference rooms, workspace), Probe Launcher (16 ready probes), Enhanced passive Sensors, Astrographic and Planetary Survey sensors
Hardened Standard Bridge, Jump-4 and Jump-1(50+20 Modules), Thrust-2 and Thrust-1 (48+21 Modules), JFuel (400), Fuel Processor (5 Modules), Utility
Grav(2), ContraGrav(1), Large Workshop, Sickbay, 1 Simulation Lab, 2 Physics Labs, Medium PESA-Array(48/1.5Mio km), Planetary Survey Add-On, Astrographic Add-On, Probe Launcher Module, Vehicle Dock/Scout(105), Vehicle Dock/10dt Launch (10.5), 40 Cargo Spaces (250to cargo), 15 Staterooms, 1 Gymnasium, 1 Office Module
Introduction This is a conversion of the Qasar class Scout Cruiser from the EPIC Adventure 5 converted to GURPS. To get the ship working, I had to make various changes:
+ The TechLevel was raised by one Techlevel to fit all the systems
+ The universal hangar bay was replaced by a vehicle-specific Vehicle Bay
+ I dropped the solar sails since they are useless in GURPS:Traveller
+ I reduced the cargo volume
General Description The Qasar class scout cruiser is an older ship in service with the ISS since the mid 900rds. Designed for mid to long range exploration missions in and beyond the borders of the empire it fills a middle ground between the 400dt Donosev scout ship and the 3000dt Scout cruisers.
The ships mission package includes planetary and astrographic survey sensors, enhanced long-range passiv arrays, three dedicated laboratory modules and a probe launcher and some workspace/conference space. To enhance the region
surveyed the ship carries a Typ-S Scout ship in addition to a 10dt launch.
To enhance it's survivability during missions outside the Empire, the ship has redundant Jump- and Maneuver Drives, hardened computer systems, a armored hull and a limited self-defence armament consisting of two triple laser turrets and two triple sandcasters. This is complemented by a large engineering workshop. The ship is equiped with a liquid crystal (environmental assimilation) hull and some basic emmision masking to allow initial observations without being detected.
The crew consists of a sixteen person vehicle operations crew, six to eight laboratory crew and three crewpersons for the Type-S. They share a total of fifteen cabins, three single ones for the Captain, Chief Engineer and Chief Scientist] and 12 double occupancy cabins. To keep them healthy and fit they have access to a well equiped sick bay and a moderate sized gym.
The ship is fully streamlined and equiped for frontiere refueling. It has a 4 parsek jump range (J-1 reserve engine) and is capabel of 2g of thrust (1g reserve unit) with full contragrav compensation.
Technical data
1000dt streamlined hull, 2348to loaded weight, 419MCr excluding subcraft
Hull armor: 200DR Superdense with Liquid Crystal Skin and Basic EM-Masking
Weapons :Four fully streamlined turrets with 2x3 GTL-11 Lasers and 2x3 GTL-11 Sandcasters
Crew: 5 Bridge, 5 Engineering, 4 Gunner, 1 Medical, 4-6 Laboratory, 2 Probe Operators, 3 Scout crew, 1 Launch Operator
Quarters: 15 Staterooms, Sickbay, Gymnasium
Science: 3 Laboratories (1 Simulation Lab, 2 Physical Lab), 1 Office Space
(Conference rooms, workspace), Probe Launcher (16 ready probes), Enhanced passive Sensors, Astrographic and Planetary Survey sensors
Hardened Standard Bridge, Jump-4 and Jump-1(50+20 Modules), Thrust-2 and Thrust-1 (48+21 Modules), JFuel (400), Fuel Processor (5 Modules), Utility
Grav(2), ContraGrav(1), Large Workshop, Sickbay, 1 Simulation Lab, 2 Physics Labs, Medium PESA-Array(48/1.5Mio km), Planetary Survey Add-On, Astrographic Add-On, Probe Launcher Module, Vehicle Dock/Scout(105), Vehicle Dock/10dt Launch (10.5), 40 Cargo Spaces (250to cargo), 15 Staterooms, 1 Gymnasium, 1 Office Module