There are absolute bottlenecks in any sector of a Traveller map. With good intelligence of any enemy Order of Battle and statistics of enemy ship classes, on a Strategic level you can KNOW where to concentrate your reserves. No, you will not necessarily know the exact system but you can saturate a few logical systems in a subsector. You may not decisively win the first battle, or even battles, but you will annihilate an evading fleet in due time. Shear weight of numbers and the inability of your opponent to effect long term repairs WILL win out in the end.
The intelligence is at best 1 week out from HQ – a situation not seen routinely since roughly the mid 19th century on earth – if not 2-6 weeks out from the general HQ.
You can predict the bottlenecks; you can't predict when you'll NEED the forces for defensive purposes, and any forces not with you add additional weeks comm time.
Under the situations of the mid 19th C, there were battles fought well after the war was over. It was worse in the early 19th - A battle took place over 2 months after the armistice, having started 3 weeks after the armistice, between units that had been sent out well before hand, and word was not able to be sent to even relatively nearby units to go defend the city of New Orleans, nor was higher command able to send the recall in time.
All assertions of capabilities based upon modern warfare need to be examined closely for the impact of the OTU's utter lack of effective communications. You don't appear to have even given the slightest considerations of the command lag times.
The general staff can, with good intel, predict where attacks will come, if active hostilities are ongoing and correct data about enemy forces is present - but that's not going to be the case in the OTU. The data will be weeks out of date, the Imperial general staff is 3-6 months away from the borders, the Sector general staff up to a month away... and battle reports equally so.
Think of playing stratego, but having to order a piece between 2 and 4 turns ahead, and until a like number of turns later, not knowing if it won or lost. That's the reality of the sector command staff, even if they're near the front (as was the case with Santanocheev and Norris).