SOC-14 5K
What advances have been made in hyperdrive tech in your setting timerover? How far have they been pushed techwise?
I have not pushed it to far so as to keep the Jump Drive in the mix. The Jump Drive is for getting somewhere fast that is within range, the hyperdrive is if you need range but are less concerned with how long it takes to get somewhere. The Jump Drive works as per the rules, while the Hyperdirve-1 travels a parsec a month. The Hyperdrive-2 travels at a rate of a parsec a week. The range limit is crew endurance and supplies. Allowances for supplies must be made if on a long-range hyperdrive run.
This setting really begs for the k'kree ...
With respect to the K'kree, I go with Larry Niven.
]]"How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a leaf?"
I have some other problems with them as well, but those deal with many logistical issues. I also keep wondering what sort of super-predator would it have taken to push the K'kree to intelligence, and how did they wipe the predator out before it wiped out the intelligent K'kree.