Back (I hope)
I see I've been away for two months...
There's good news, and possibly bad news.
The good news is that five sectors from explorerbase (Harea, Tlyasea, Grikr!ng, Tar G'kell'p and Amderstun) are now on travellermap!
The possibly bad news is that Wikispaces is now making new account verification, so explorerbase may in the future be temporarily un-publicly viewable, although accounts will be able to view it (I think - none of it is very clear).
Also, I haven't finished any other sectors yet, since I have been busy with other things. But I hope to get down to Ukaarriit!!b soon.
I've expanded Million Stars a bit, and I've also down work on a lot of other places, mainly various wikias. Ask if you're interested.
No news yet on the fanzine.
I can't think of anything else to mention right now, but feel free to ask.