Well, personally I rather like the idea of cybernetics in Traveller. Sure, it might not be 'canon' traveller, but it would add a bit of flavor to a sub-sector if cybernetics were common there. I can see local systems developing cybernetics as a quick way to adapt to hostile envrionments, or to increase production. Maybe they're a mark of social distinction, or used for religious reasons. Maybe a combination of both - a world that won't allow for genetic engineering due to religious constraints might allow cybernetic modification instead.
All this might not get anyone's notice in our fictional subsector...but when anyone travels anywhere else in the Imperium they'd be looked at, poked, prodded, subject to frequent harrassment, forced to pay heavy taxes or legal fees and insurance rates.
The same thing for genetic engineering. Anyone making extensive use of bioware is going to be watched very closely by local authorites.
As to the cost of it all....I don't see a problem with lowering the price, so long as the social drawbacks are played up. And there's always cost of upkeep for the electronic bits. Maintence fees, repairs due to combat, normal wear/tear, upgrades and the like. Just finding a reliable doc could be an adventure in and of itself.
Just my .02 creds.