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High Temperature Lifeforms

I was thinking on such a nasty atmosphere/ hi temp world(200C) this beastie here (eating some sort of mineral matter/ or each other) might like a wee bit of shade, like a landed starship/ shuttle/ etc to get under... diffusing excess heat/ burrowing might make em nocturnal hunters (and it is dark in the shade!).
more evil ideas to follow...
Originally posted by RichardP:
Darth: good idea, a shell covered crawler / walker. One question though - how long does a park ranger have to stand still before a tortoise uses him as shade (to the nearest day)!!
Good point!

Acutally, on the documentary I watched, the tortise moved in as soon as the ranger fella stoped walking... and then moved to stay in his shadow as often as it could. The funny thing was that the critter could be quite a bit faster than expected when it felt it needed to be.

Of course, these two points were exactly what the fella was trying to illustrate...
the classic traveller adventure ' ordeal by eshar ' (published by fasa - bloody brilliant ) was set on a hot hostile world populated by the silicon based 'ashar' . they are flying beasties who look a bit like a ray ( fish ) with tentacles + stuff , about 5 feet across as i recall . they live in close relationship with their planet and its ecology ( all the green / ecology stuff was pretty new and radical back in early 80s when this was published ) . they have a highly developed sense of honour and undergo a dangerous 'ordeal' if they infringe their planet's eco-system in any way , which is a survival test in the hazardous environment ( boiling sulphur geysers , lakes of sulphuric acid etc ) . they also have 'affas' which is a silcon based equivalent of oil and can be used to make a heat/acid proof plastic . they are intelligent , but unsure if those weird carbon types are really alive .
not sure if this fits your campaign but there is lots of detail on these beasties which i could dig out if you want .
As promised richardP:
JTAS-17: The bestiary, pp6-7.
Ice crawler/ Ice spider: From Furioso/Alderamin 0707 (Ice world/ atmosphere C(insidious)

the ice crawler is caterpillar like with ten pairs of "legs"
The ice spider is, well, a spider-arthopodic, 8 legged.

Basic stats:
Name weight Hits Armor wounds& weapons
I. Crawler 800kg 28/6 mesh 12/F4 A6 S1
I. Spider 100kg 17/6 mesh 10/ claws A0 F8 S3

The crawler ingested minerals from the planet's soil for nutrients.

The spider preyed upon all other lifeforms, attacked in packs. considered "quite hazardous".
Originally posted by RichardP:

A definite candidate.

If this is for the adventure I think ye're workin on, by all means, have at it! ;)

The spider gets my vote, but yer the author! :D
if a human being could live in the open on a desert world with now protection in 200 degree heat and he or shee was an expert rifleman----would they be called a "HOT SHOT"?????

hehehehehahahahah :D :rolleyes:
Originally posted by trader jim:
if a human being could live in the open on a desert world with now protection in 200 degree heat and he or shee was an expert rifleman----would they be called a "HOT SHOT"?????

hehehehehahahahah :D :rolleyes:
At 200C degrees (celsius), yes, I'd say so.

Its not for THAT adventure. I have got an adventure for the alternity game that is quite nice but needed a high temp lifeform. The one they had in was a bit "Star Trek" is you know what I mean.

Originally posted by RichardP:
Has anyone got / seen a realistic high temperature +200 degrees C lifeform I can use in Traveller?
Depends how realistic you want. If the pressure is high enough that water is liquid at 200C (unlikely), a relatively conventional hydrocarbon based lifeform might be possible. Otherwise, it's very hard to create chemistry comparable in complexity to biologicals -- silicon-based lifeforms (using silico-carbons instead of hydrocarbons) actually require much lower temperatures than carbon-based.

For somewhat more off the wall options, a life-form without blood, solar powered, using electricity instead of blood, and moving by piezo-electrical effects instead of the pump action in muscles, might be possible. The trick is coming up with a viable reproductive strategy; the actual construction is not that hard, since it's basically a robot. Possibly a synthetic race of Von Neumann replicators.

Alternity campaign - wash your mouth out with soap and water. I was just stealing the advenure for TNE.


Thanks for the info. good ideas.

Coming in a month late :D
but as others hinted at, you might want to develop a entire ecology.
If this is a fully tidal locked (one face to sun, other to space) you have a most interesting zone around the edges. There might easily be places where adapted photosynthetic organisms could manage. ...it is also a zone where thermal gradient, electrovours might exist. One might also estimate the photosynthetic light energy, IMO (but not calculated) this might go to 10 X over terrestrial 100 watt per meter cubed full sun so even if the productive zone of plant like creatures is only 30 or 40 km wide in the shadow lands it might support life bright side and dark for as far as organisms can go between meals..let me speculate as twice that wide a zone.
Atmosphere matters, a lot, because it tells you if a respiring kind of physiology is possible. Oxygen at 200 C is pretty nasty though. Presuming that night side is not frigid enough to freeze out common atmospheric gases (? Carbon dioxide is the interesting one) you could get some violent storms or if high pressure, fast winds that are not storms. This might also widen the zone where a few animaloids live, wind falls and cooling from a night side flow providing food.

So to start (not at the bottom) there might be a variety of plants and thermocouple sissile organisms concentrated in the day/night line, very tall ones just over the edge into night side, very short ones into the hot side.
Under these conditions, they might have a complex vining form, giant multimeter thick vines connecting the cooler spaces to the hot almost all of them pointing hot to cold, (creating a certain terrain.

The herbivourse, consume the plants, and considering that many of the plants are partially metallic (electrovours, thermo couple metabolisms) they have very strong grinding mouths, with replacable teeth. These beasts might be herd like and have some interesting behaviors, phototrophic skin that turns silvery in the bright light, cameo when in the shade. They also might find a high organic content "suit or ATV morsel" just to taste even if nominally not carnivoures.
-> the little 8 legged squirrly thing, chewed right though my insulating boot in thirty seconds flat. ...

A basic of ecology is that each trophic level gets about 10% of the energy and useful mass from level below it,
so the vines with masses of many tons per plant, can support many eaters of plants, and then at the level of interesting large animals we can have some fairly large plant eaters and eaters of plant eaters.

Now one idea, sort of like, but not the same as dragons and kin, would be organisms that use steam either as a weapon, or as a natural pressure for a projectile weapon. These might organisms that move regularly back and forth between places cold enought to liquify water and the main hot side. (note at much smaller scale, there are some real earth bettles that can fire steam bursts based in a gland that creates Hydrogen peroxiding and catalytic organ)

Another notion would be the fully photovoric mobile organism, I think of interest to play would be how large their reserves are when taken out of the sun. (or the tail out of the shade)

Mass 400 kg, consisting of 7 to 11, tapered tendrils with a central node about 45 cm diameter. The tendrils also have retractable fins and about every 10 cm a pair or three ,several cm long razor sharp hooks.
The stariovour moves by contracting its tendils with some hooks thrust into ground. A large one may have tendrils up to 25 meters long giving it reach for a danger space almost twice that big.
Tendrils are dextrous and strong.
The central body has a very tough hide, as resistant to weapons as a combiantion of reflect and jack and several (generally 2 or 3) sensor tendrils about 5 meters long . It is very sensitive and reactive to shadows.
In its natural environment, (high energy) it can move quickly, a body length of 50 meters in less than 5 seconds. In suitable terrain (well lite but with shadows) it can keep this up indefinitly, if totally in the dark, the reserves are ? ? (less than 10 minutes)

Your problem can be as comples as generating an entire new ecosystem or adapting current known life forms to your particular needs. I use the latter method. In a very high temperature environment, the problem of maintaining a temperature to allow metabolic process would be solved by the evolution of the particular creature. If you want a dog-sized creature, use a terran wolf and remanufacture the carbon base to a another material such as silicon. The form and stats of the animal can be kept the same, the only difference would be the metabolic temperature window. A problem that I would see with such a life form would be transporting it from a high temperature and pressure environment to one that would sustain normal carbon based life forms. Most higher life forms live in a very narrow environmental window. I hope that you can use this information. Have a good day and happy gaming

Many thanks for the xenobiology lession - most impressive. The adventure will pit the PCs agains the dog sized whotsit wandering through the old imperial era mining station. But knowing this bunch of PCs and their fledging empire, they will soon start fixing the base and will certainly find all the other beasties.

Again many thanks


Not sure which of them will blunder onto it, but since both are allied with Shield!!

Some NPCs are currently doing the CSB adventure with the Botany Bay, and both groups are preparing for the Operation Kelvin, starting to load the big transports, and get the last out of refit from the newly acquired Shield B port - remember those shield news articles.

Originally posted by RichardP:
I need a reasonable sized beastie, no microbobes, a suitable for the front face of tidally locked worlds / mercury type planets.
Actually, recent studies suggest that atmospheric circulation on a tide locked world is sufficient to keep day and night side temperatures reasonably comfortable, instead of the traditional "melting lead on one side, frozen air on the other" model.

Given that even the hottest temperatures are likely to be below 100C, you can probably go with carbon chain lifefoms rather than having to play around with problematic chemistries like silicon.

* Habitability of Planets Around Red Dwarf Stars by Martin Heath, Laurance Doyle, Manoj Joshi and Robert Haberle, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, vol 29, p 405 (1999) is at www.as.utexas.edu/astronomy/education/spring02/scalo/heath.pdf

* Simulations of the Atmospheres of Synchronously Rotating Terrestrial Planets Orbiting M Dwarfs: Conditions for Atmospheric Collapse and the Implications for Habitability by Manoj Joshi, Robert Haberle and R. Reynolds, Icarus, vol 129, p 450 (1997) is at www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/pub/gillett/joshi.pdf

From NewScientist.com: Is anybody out there? Red, willing and able: Far from being desolate backwaters, red dwarfs may harbour an abundance of alien life. By Ken Croswell http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/astrobiology/redwilling.jsp

This site discusses possibilities for the Environment of UV Ceti http://www.exoplaneten.de/uvceti/english.html

You should also read Thad Coons excellent planetology and xenobiology articles on www.freelancetraveller.com The planetology articles are at http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/science/plan101/index.html and the xenobiology articles are at http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/science/xbio101/index.html