<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aramis:
I do. But no more legal copies will be made (unless RS drops over dead), and it is "Forbidden Canon" last I heard.
Forbidden cannon. Much of what was contained was actually extrapolated from solid GDW sources. One ought to look into much of what DGP actually contributed solely and leave that for RS to rot over. The rest that remains ought to be fair game to use and reuse.
As noted in another post, much of the problem is nobody has bothered to dissect the entire Traveller cannon and slap it together afresh. Rather we are still playing with CT with modifications. Plus, has not RS allowed Marc to use all of DGP stuff. Therefore, if Marc wrote a sourcebook entitled Traveller: a history of the Far Future. He would be allowed to do so.
So I wonder why doesn't Marc write more frequently, even on these boards. We all wait for word. But, my guess is that he past Traveller and does this the fans. Of which I am one.
But, what I am hoping that a Traveller rennaisance will begin with T20. But, in order to do that, it will need to prove its milieu is more appealing than Fading Suns, Heavy Gear, Blue Planet or whatever other Science Fiction is out there on the gaming market.
[This message has been edited by kafka47 (edited 30 December 2001).]