@Drew After giving it some thought and doing a little research, I still couldn't find find what I thought I had read. What I do remember from the article is, it could be used by infantry, static emplacement and fired at anytime after the vehicle's signature was within the warhead's memory. Where it starts getting fuzzy is whether or not it need human oversight or could do it all by itself. Also, the 'mine' was intended to be remotely fired and there was something about a time delay, where as, a platoon of 'hovercrafts' could pull into concealed position, shut down and its crew would go to sleep before launching the missile at zero dark thirty ruining their night.
Now, I don't know how much of the 'fuzzy' description is real or not. I tend to look at a weapon system like Cluster sub munitions and come up with all sorts of devious ways of using them. Example: In artillery roles, both Orbital and modern battlefield and in space combat where they deliver mutli-warhead on target. Hell, railguns and guass rifles are nasty little weapons in my TU because, they might not be nearly as silent as Sci-fi wants them to be in the early days, but they pack one hell of a punch.
All I can say at this point is, I know there is a system out there but what is real or my head canon is, I don't know...