I've been wandering through the World Generation section of 2300AD and noticed what I think is a missing part of a sentence. On page 39, under the seciton for Companion Star Orbit Radii, it states...
Spectoscopic Binary: Orbit is 1D10 times au.
It goes on to state...
Others: Orbit is 1D10 au.
I might be foggy in the head, but I think that spectroscopic binaries should read "Orbit is 1D10 times ___ au" instead, so that they are different than Others.
Can anyone provide an answer to this one?
Spectoscopic Binary: Orbit is 1D10 times au.
It goes on to state...
Others: Orbit is 1D10 au.
I might be foggy in the head, but I think that spectroscopic binaries should read "Orbit is 1D10 times ___ au" instead, so that they are different than Others.
Can anyone provide an answer to this one?