First and foremost, thank you for this discussion.
I calculated a budget for Lemish in post #74 of the Corridor Fleet thread. I maximized the budget by assuming that the people of Lemish would be scared enough of the Vargr Menace to pay 10% of GWP in military taxes and that the population was 1.9 million. Additionally, the split between the army and the navy can be different from the figure in Striker. For example, the army portion could be 40% of the average that Imperial worlds spend (3%), with every bit of the seven extra percentage points going to the navy. Or it could be something in between.
That is a great plan. With Lemish being 5 parsecs from the Vargr border, and subsector capital, and homeport for the 60th and 105th fleet. I fear that the Lemishi won't feel the threat until after the Corridor Fleet leaves. By then, of course, its too late.
Granted the bulk of the fleet will be dispersed throughout the subsector, and there are 6 other naval bases in the subsector, but the presense of the fleet would probably lull the Lemishi into a false sense of security.
As for what you can get for it, using the VERY crude maintenance figure from TCS, MCr193 can support a fleet costing MCr1,930 from new. That would support 7.6 200T SDBs (Fighting Ship prices).
Hmm. Still need to pay crew salaries and have funds around to replace or add ships later on. Call it 6 for now.
A brigade of huscarles is what the Duke has.
Rebellion Sourcebook pg. 37 Expected Troop Strengths on a Specific World states that for a TL 12 world with a population of 6 AND a tainted atmosphere, says there is 1 Battalion. It does not specify whose troops those are.
If his capital is safe from the Vargr Menace, he might well lend some other troops to Lemish. If his capital is actually threathened, he might not.
Lemish Imperial Starport is situated between the towns of Franklin, to the east and Kudra (formerly Novograd) to the west. While Franklin is the system/planetary capital, Kudra is the subsector capital. So if the Starport is threatened, and the naval base therein, so is the duke's lands.
The Duke is also the largest landowner on the planet.
The baron's huscarles are paid for out of his personal income and maintaining soldiers is expensive. How much personal income would the Baron of Lemish have?
We've had this disagreement before.

Barons get 8 hexes. With 2 trade codes, that is 160,000 credits per anum. Moot proxie is only another 100,000 credits. even adding in the knighthoods (4 more hexes with 2 trade codes each) is only another 80,000 credits.
This baron only makes 340,000 credits a year. Why do you think I am billing people for doing math?
Duke Craig, in another thread posted a collection of military units along with prices at A 42 man TL9 light infantry platoon runs for 2.14 MCr. I can afford a kid with a popgun if I had to pay for it out of my baronial pay.
Heck this is a third of what Chuck Anumia makes.
Which is a big reason why I think there are certain things that are paid for by the baron's expense account, rather than out of the baron's personal paycheck. Just like the Governor of Montana does not pay for his security detail. (I used Montana because of the population somewhat matches Lemish). Things that are related to the job of a noble should or will have to be paid for outside of the noble's paycheck, if you are doing the job of a noble.
Provence Sector data are up on the wiki. You could extract the GoT worlds from that and do a rough estimate. Though the figure you'll get is going to be the total strength of the pocket empire, so bear in mind my point about the Crusades stay-at-homes.
That is going to take some time, but I feel it should not be hard for the Vargr to gather a dozen coursairs for a raid. Perhaps if we have enough of the Corridor sector nobility mapped out, we can refight the issue.