This whole discussion brought up one thought:
Everyone says Vargr, Aslan, etc. are humans in funny suits (likely true to a point). Yet I'm quite certain that things like Vargr pack behaviours and other similar things could be culled from the world of animal biology and produce something different enough from humans to be interesting.
As for arguing about how realistic a particular alien is or how likely - that's a rather funny religious conviction. As far as I know, other than some microbes, we have no real clue what any other aliens are like.
It's possible (no idea how likely) they'll be quite similar to us - maybe the precursor situations for life tend towards certain designs? Some days I hear 'no habitable planets' out of the astrophysics community, then some days 'way more than we ever thought, probably more habitable' - the wisdom on that changes regularly.
I guess it boils down to two things:
1) We don't know anything about real aliens if they exist. So any comment about how likely or unlikely aliens are to be bipedal, etc. is a bit silly in that vein.
2) Aliens *in a game* serve a role - is it to act as a foil for some human characteristic by exaggerating it? Hmmm. Is it to let someone try to wrap their mind around playing a PC who operates on different assumptions and rules than an average human? Hmmm. Both of these have some value, even if they are furry suits. And I can sure tell you that Rear Admiral Arrgh, the Vargr Engineer, was a long term survivor of several human dominated campaigns - he got laughed at on occasion, harrassed for his ethnicity (and player decisions), but he was a survivor. And memorable. And that's what makes a good game.
Jgd Jgd are great. But they're generally not easy to interact with and the amount they can contribute as interactive partners is minimal, so they'll always be a sort of odd NPC... never quite understood, never fully explored. This is true of most of the 'truly alien' races.
Of course, IYTU, YMMV. :0)
Everyone says Vargr, Aslan, etc. are humans in funny suits (likely true to a point). Yet I'm quite certain that things like Vargr pack behaviours and other similar things could be culled from the world of animal biology and produce something different enough from humans to be interesting.
As for arguing about how realistic a particular alien is or how likely - that's a rather funny religious conviction. As far as I know, other than some microbes, we have no real clue what any other aliens are like.
It's possible (no idea how likely) they'll be quite similar to us - maybe the precursor situations for life tend towards certain designs? Some days I hear 'no habitable planets' out of the astrophysics community, then some days 'way more than we ever thought, probably more habitable' - the wisdom on that changes regularly.
I guess it boils down to two things:
1) We don't know anything about real aliens if they exist. So any comment about how likely or unlikely aliens are to be bipedal, etc. is a bit silly in that vein.
2) Aliens *in a game* serve a role - is it to act as a foil for some human characteristic by exaggerating it? Hmmm. Is it to let someone try to wrap their mind around playing a PC who operates on different assumptions and rules than an average human? Hmmm. Both of these have some value, even if they are furry suits. And I can sure tell you that Rear Admiral Arrgh, the Vargr Engineer, was a long term survivor of several human dominated campaigns - he got laughed at on occasion, harrassed for his ethnicity (and player decisions), but he was a survivor. And memorable. And that's what makes a good game.
Jgd Jgd are great. But they're generally not easy to interact with and the amount they can contribute as interactive partners is minimal, so they'll always be a sort of odd NPC... never quite understood, never fully explored. This is true of most of the 'truly alien' races.
Of course, IYTU, YMMV. :0)