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How do you Organize for a game?


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Organization is important, just so you can find what you need quickly. For instance, the rulebooks have a table of contents, and an index. That's organization.

So I've written an adventure that I'm going to run this weekend. And now I need to organize all the bits in a useful way.

When you organize, do you put all your resources together, or do you separate them by type? Assuming adventures don't flow linearly (and mine's written with flexibility in mind), does it make sense to co-locate adventure material with related maps and NPCs? Surely maps can be re-used, separate from any one piece of the adventure. The same goes for NPCs. Isn't it therefore more useful to index maps, floorplans, NPCs, and so on, into a reference section?

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Old fashion way...

3-ring binder and labeled dividers for write ups, maps, etc. Handout copies in binder as well. Multi-use NPCs and gear tended to be on index cards. Any anticipated special rules (Official and House), esp tables, copied where needed and in divided section as applicable - i.e. quick reference without resulting to pulling out rule books. I avoided play with the rule books out, except for chargen.

Modern way...

Document with TOC and link to TOC at top and/or bottom of each 'page' for instant 'flipping'. Separate documents for Player only stuff that would have been handouts.

[And iOS devices if ya got 'em! ;)]
Good question. Firstly is dependent on the type of adventure you are doing, then on how you like to organise things.

For me, A short adventure or a Patron encounter, generally keep it to one A4 page, with npc's below the main body of text, or on the reverse page if needed. Maps would be attached, or slotted in behind that page of my A4 lined book, ready in position.

Anything longer, typically for me epic style adventures, I make sure each chapter is seperate. Each chapter/encounter having the needed items I need with in them. Say, I have 4 events in one chapter, each event will be treated like a short/patron encounter.
However, I make sure to keep relevant materials that may re-appear in it's own section.
Files. A huge amount of files. But I have a very loose outline as well.

And a big box, with duct tape holding in the bulges.

I have yet to use a laptop but I'm old-fashioned that way. I am gradually organizing and digitizing my boxes of stuff but basically I have the old box n' binders method to work with.

I also have two composition books. One has my original campaign notes and the story arc that frames it. The other has my ongoing game notes that I take each game and make prior to the next. The campaign arc is reconciled with the game notes and that helps me track where things are going and feeds in any new ideas. Then the results are organized for the next game in notebook I use in the game so I don't get lost in either the details or the scope of the thing.

It is kind of like RPG adventure accounting: game notes book is my journal, and the campaign arc notebook is my ledger.

The campaign 'ledger' is ongoing and builds a continuous future history of my game an several of these combine to date back to the earliest days even though I didn't keep records this way at first. So the early stuff consists of new notes I put together from the mess I used to have. I don't run the same adventure twice even with new players, but instead just keep the campaign universe moving forward so I need something like this ledger to keep track of developments.

The game 'register' is just the working notebook and I don't keep them once I've reconciled them to the 'ledger'. They are messy and confusing sometimes and change constantly as I organize them, then the players trash them, and then I move the important long-term developments to the 'ledger' and continue the game.

I have several notebooks that are organized by things like ships, bestiary, world maps and descriptions, subsector maps, NPCs of various levels of importance, vehicles and equipment, etc.. All of these have since been organized in binders now that most of them have been translated to my computer files.

New players get a disc I burn that has all the houserules, intro to the game and campaign, and any files form the above that I think it would be appropriate for them to have and need to hit the ground running. By merely copying them the highlights form my campaign 'ledger' I can provide them with a background history that clears up anything their characters would have learned in life about my future history. As the game moves along I periodically give them more files, printed out or on disc to update what they have.

Writing it out like this makes even me think it is over-organized but it has worked like this in some form or another for me over a long, long time in several game genres (oh jeez- the notes for my Call of Cthulhu campaigns alone...I would have lost all my SAN if I hadn't kept such meticulous notes!) so I don't think I can change it even if I wanted to. But getting at least all of the data on my computer, then setting up the campaign 'ledger' that way will help immensely to streamline things.
Writing it out like this makes even me think it is over-organized...
For campaigns that sounds like the way to go.

Bet you can find everything you need, so even if it is overkill much of the time, the work has probably paid off several times.
It has, and it is a lot of fun to travel back in time and see how much has changed over the years, both in real as well as in game time. I sometimes rediscover old ideas that I had thought were new ones I came up recently. That is always good for a laugh.
And a big box, with duct tape holding in the bulges.

I have yet to use a laptop but I'm old-fashioned that way. I am gradually organizing and digitizing my boxes of stuff but basically I have the old box n' binders method to work with.

I still have a couple of boxes left, with things like an entire pirate-mercenary band of almost three hundred, stat'd out as well as their ships, even down to the rounds of ammo, or a three ring binder with a monster manual with over a hundred home made monsters, or three sectors stat'd out with some trully inventive planet stories (spawned from sci-fi and not polluted by real science). I've moved on to a laptop, just about seven gigs or traveller material, hundreds of traveller images (just made the nemesis droyne last night) and still rather strange docs, like democracy coming to the 4th Imperium (called the Imperial Diet, each sector provides a deputation of one deputy per subsector and then, nominated by the sector Duke, a senator and it's not the 4th Imperium, because the Emperor has declared "let the historians number the dead in their graves, while we live, we are THE Imperium! -have a graphic for that one too") or like some of what is in the gallery, TOE's of military units comprised of brigades, second line rifle divisions, all developing by their own resources and what they have at hand, six sectors so far with pdf maps, various polities like the Republic of Terrelay, complete with flags and anthem, minor aliens, various weapon write ups, plans upon plans, notes, ad nauseum...maybe this is scary. NOT EVEN mentioning H&E or HGS, with run upon run of ships and worlds and more folders.
It does multiply like kipple, doesn't it? And yet it is too scary in an almost obsessive way to throw any of it out even after I put it on disk. Maybe I'm too old school and just don't trust the computer to lose it some day. That old thing about there being two kinds of people in the world and all?

I do have a portable HD with all of my Traveller files backed up on it to take with me to games. That way I have everything that is digitized (including all the various rules iterations) with me and don't have to haul everything around anymore. There is always someone with a laptop if I need it, and I have printed LBBs 1-5 handy if I need them. they are pretty much all I use anymore so that makes it convenient.

Jeez, in the old days I would have hauled into a game all of the JTAS editions and all of the LBB's, supplements, and adventures bristling with sticky-notes to reference all the obscure rules and items they contained. I know a laptop would be more convenient, but I also still like the feel of lots of paper and pencils among the dice, and opening a paper rule book if needed. Like I said: I'm just old-school. Someday all you youngins' will have all the rulebooks in your iEyes glasses, and suboptical implants linking you the Net for easy recall.
The computer is even worse for the ability to make it multiply, just open word and voice dictation and...

I miss being young and in college with say a buddy calls you from his barracks and he's got a pass, then running a 24 hour marathon sessions off only the cheapest consumables the px has to offer. War gamed the entire spinward marches using only HG2 and some vague stuff from JTAS? Check, done that.

Even now, my online campaign is generating a large amount of words, I was just looking at that, formatting it into one giant document. I used the rules we needed at the time, as a player and GM, I tried not to deviate too much just because it became confusion to everyone, Trav was so perfect by being simple really, you just got down to role play and not page flipping. Describe an action in detail and you can do it, just try to think of what is "real" and what rules would be. If someone is going to go to the trouble of designing a ship, deckplans and all, it's hard to gig 'em unless there is a gross error.

The kids are going to be using the online stuff more and more, personally if I was going to do something like traveller as a business, I would run a portal site, kinda like the video games have but with a ton of integrated features. Basically the business idea of either paying some sum upfront or a small fee every month, now this is getting tangental.

It is a good way to blow off steam, good old trav.
I write up the frame work of the next session about a week out. Important milestones, plot points and information becomes the "dots" and do not vary. If the line wavers and wiggles like a drunk spider over the sessions course between those "dots", then that is just more fun.

To me, Traveller provides me the framework for me to create a story and for my group to interact within that story.

Loving Traveller and wondering why I had that 20 year gap....
... Maybe I'm too old school and just don't trust the computer to lose it some day.
Modern storage media is often less robust than written works...


So, your 'old school' mentality may actually be a 'best practice'.

I regularly 'refresh' my DVD archives (the scratch resistant coated kind at that) every 5 years or so. Which beats the heck out of doing the same for floppies and tapes (shudder) about every other year back in the day. (Plus my DVD archives fit in a safety deposit box - unlike my old backups which filled several legal sized boxes and duplicates where kept in less secure places).

So keep your paper - and enjoy it if the power ever goes out!
Mine is mostly similar to what sabredog described. I keep "pending notes" that detail our next session, sometimes with many variants and important side points to remember. There's also a line of pending TNS news, pictures to be shown to players, etc.

And then I keep "campaign notes" that detail the campaign calendar - what has already happened, and when. I mostly use it for reference when planning the next adventure, along with any official material I have.

I have long since taken to keeping it all digital and using an e-book reader to consult my notes during the game.

We don't use Traveller rules, only the setting. So I don't have to bring all the books with me. Our system is very rules-light, but I have modified it to allow keeping track of equipment because part of our fun in sci-fi is managing gadgets and gizmos :) Now I have printed "equipment cards" that I give to my players when they find or create something new. (I also have blank cards that I can hastily scrawl on and give to the players if I don't have the necessary card - by next time we play I prepare those in print).

Similar to this I also have "character cards", though these would be bothersome to make on the fly, so I limit their usage for PCs and major NPCs, and whoever I happen to prepare them for.
Now I have printed "equipment cards" that I give to my players when they find or create something new. (I also have blank cards that I can hastily scrawl on and give to the players if I don't have the necessary card - by next time we play I prepare those in print).

Similar to this I also have "character cards", though these would be bothersome to make on the fly, so I limit their usage for PCs and major NPCs, and whoever I happen to prepare them for.

I do the same thing with program cards so the players can manage what is in their CPU and Storage at any given time. It gives the commo/computer guy something to do and the programs thing always seems to confuse players.
Was just reading the new posts. Sabredog, what sorts of notes do you keep during/from sessions? Thats given me an idea to grab a small notebook to write down any notes I want to write down during sessions.

About old school ways and putting it on computer. Me personally, I prefer paper though i have put it on computer, namely when its an online campaign. Though by the sounds of it I don't somehow make up the amounts of paper/files as some of you guys. Think maybe because I can easily make up things on the fly. One campaign I made, the players first adventure went, beyond out the window. in 2 minutes I had to write npc stats as the players started shooting them for no real reason. The Stats were T20 too, so limited it to what I needed mostly, but was a, "bang my head against the wall for the next few days," moment.

Another thing I think I have noticed, is how I make campaigns overall these days. I just make a overall picture of what it is about. Notes about some key plot keys, a fair amount of background, some of that is feed through the campaign as its going on at good intervals, and with my current campaign, the Banckert Clusters, a list of the ships that serve the cluster as well as notes of where they are going and what they are doing. And modified encounter tables to take in to account that the cluster in my campaign, isn't visited by many ships. Though if I get a ship encounter, and I know there's no npc ship there that I've made, I make it so that it is a ship that is visiting the cluster.
Current progress

I've simplified things quite a bit by separating the Scenes that I've sketched out for the adventure, from the Resources for the adventure. For example, I have maps, floorplans, building details in a separate document now. Thus the players may visit locations separate from the adventure details themselves.

This really cleans up my adventure document, and (I think) doesn't complicate things -- I have the game scenarios on one hand, and the reference document on the other.
Was just reading the new posts. Sabredog, what sorts of notes do you keep during/from sessions? Thats given me an idea to grab a small notebook to write down any notes I want to write down during sessions.

I have the overall plan written out for what would happen if the players didn't exist. Then as the game progresses that evolves, as we all know. From there my notebook has the stats of the player characters so I can refer to them through the game (helps me to know what everyone can do so I can give them nudges and tasks to keep everyone involved). I keep track of the movements of NPC's and ships in transit so I know where everyone in the campaign is at any time and what they are supposed to be (or really are) doing.

The tracking part is really important for the campaign since once it is in motion NPCs and players can be traveling in jump and even cross eachother's path while searching for eachother or chasing down the same Maltese Falcon. This also helps me generate rumors and info for finding anyone or is anyone is looking for them. And it acts as a check to keep me honest about what and where an NPC might be and/or know about something in case they shouldn't have.

I keep all of that in the book, plus any goals reached to note in the overall campaign ledger. I also make notes of things the players may come up with on their own - like theories of how/why/what about some plot or mystery that might be even better than mine. Or, if it isn't better then mine it needs to be tracked so I can develop a side plot to allow the players to run down their false theory till it hits a wall, then get them back on track again. That keeps things from being too obvious but still keeps me in control.

I will also have a running list of ideas and have-to's for the next session as they come to me during the game. We've all had good ideas come up and then lose them once the game is over because we didn't write them down.

Have-to's are like what happened in a recent game where the players went down on a barren world to rescue a crew that had crashlanded there after a fight with the guy they were all looking for. I needed to remind myself later to update the timeline to take into account the time the players were on the rescue relative to the time the enemy was going to be traveling in jump to and from the worlds the players were trying to catch him at. Plus where the news, communications form patrons and info sources where going to be when the players got back in travel mode. Like letters in transit.

Finally, I have a small spiral notepad that I use to 'bluebook' with players during the game. They can write down things in it that they want their characters to do, buy, train, whatever that is on the side form the rest of the game. It isn't always things they want to do that are contrary or against the others and goals of the party - it just help if they want to do that, and if not, it also doesn't waste time with all that side stuff that I can then take care of later if it doesn't have to be done in-game.

All this gets looked over, analyzed, and what needs to be is entered into the campaign ledger (which is them adjusted to take into account what might have been altered now), or re-written into the beginning notes of the next session. Any private bluebooking notes are written on pages of the small notepad to be handed out accordingly fat the next game.
Reading through, some, not all, of that I already do, though in a differing way. However you still have given me ideas for me to use in my own campaign.

Thank you.
Definitely old school "on paper" organization here. A computer was only used to write up and print out the various player handouts.

I used lots of 3x5 cards for things like NPCs, ships, rumors, mooks, businesses, locations, etc. I had a slush pile for each and one fish out a card whenever necessary. Once a card was used, I'd pop it into the campaign folder with either penciled notes on it or another 3x5 card with notes attached by a paperclip to it.

The way my 3x5 card system worked was fairly simple. Let's say it's my Active Duty IISS campaign and the players are "chumming" for general information. They work the street successfully and come up with a "small-R" rumor; that is a rumor which is used just to set a sense of place or provide some general scenery. I pull out a rumor and a NPC from their respective slush piles, roleplay "Pete the Finn" mentioning that he's heard several tramp captains' grousing that the orbital fuel boss off Conway is demanding larger bribes, and then paperclip the two cards together with a third on which I note the "where & when" of the encounter. From then on during the rest of the campaign every time the players visit that particular system I know, and hopefully the players remember, that Pete is there as a possible encounter and source of information. Each time the players met Pete, I'd update the "where & when" card.

A "big-R" rumor, that is a rumor which was a plot point or critical piece of information was handled differently. In those cases, the rumor and/or the NPC weren't simply plucked out of the slush pile. They were crafted well beforehand when the adventure/session was put together. Once again, the information and the source were on two separate cards paperclipped together.

As each 3x5 card bundle was produced, I'd pop them into location folders. Places important to the campaign had individual folders while less important locations shared folders. A location folder would contain maps, background write-ups of varying detail for my own information, and a "what, where, & when" log sheet to keep track of events.

The "what, where, & when" logs also allowed me to prepare Our Story So Far..." handouts when there had been too much time between sessions. A quick half-page precis usually got everyone back up to speed neatly even after months.

To keep track of a campaign's plot and various subplots, I'd use graph paper to sketch a industrial production or Gannt chart of sorts. Using a simple example here, imagine you're planning on making a pancake by a certain time. You know you'll need a certain amount of flour, milk, and eggs all by a certain time, that the mixing will take a certain amount of time, that the griddle will need to be a certain temperature by a certain time, and that the cake will need to cook for a certain amount of time. The pancake is the plot, the flour, milk, and eggs are the plot's requirements, the griddle is another requirement with its own sub-requirement of heating, and finally the mixing and cooking is the plot taking place.

You can see that some of the requirements, like the flour, milk, and eggs, can arrive in any order. Another requirement, the griddle, can only take place once several other requirements have already occurred. Finally, the plot itself will occur after the requirements are met, in a certain time and place, and then for only a certain period.

Now, take my goofy pancake example and apply it to a bank robbery. You've got requirements like getting weapons, scouting locations, obtaining a getaway car, and many others. Some requirements can be done in any order, some can only be done after others are complete, and all must be achieved before the robbery occurs at a specific time and place for a specific period.

These plot production or Gannt charts allowed me to keep track of what was happening away from the players' actual location, when certain events had to occur, what events could be allowed to slide, and how everything was supposed to some together. Because I knew what had to occur, when it had to occur, and how everything fit together, I could easily juggle the players' activities while adapting my plot to their actions on the fly.
Doh! (Head-smack) Gantt charts make a perfect adventure/campaign tool for planning and for tracking!

Began using them with MS Project in the late '80s and introduced them to several departments over the following decade. But it never occurred to me to use them in place of my informal bubble style conditional flowchart approach. Thanks Whipsnade!

Question: do you use any published tables to assist in making rumor creation - or is it all homemade or adhoc?