Liam Devlin
SOC-14 5K
This topic was inspired by citizen Stormraven, and OOC-chats with my players on RPG-Live /Lonestar Room SUnday chats(Blacklight, Eak,Maspy, Ellros,Bryan Gibson,Shane McLean,Mark A Siefert,Valen, Chron, and myself). Supplemental input from The Mink, in a post on random static on what would be the mores of the Imperium in 57th century?
So lets put on our thinking caps again...shall we?
This "IMTU" page, so I'll start us out:
In my Imperium, the 57th century Certain behaviours plaguing the here and now, have been resolved.
IMTU, members of the armed forces aboard Starships are given Birth control implants ( a select few opt out of this, due to genetic aversion/ faith based beliefs).
IMTU There are Bi& Homosexuals in the armed forces. As per regulations regarding relationships, such shall occur during non-duty hours.
IMTU Relationships will occur(in the services), but will be maintained during the personnel's "off-duty" time. Partners must be of equal rank if in same section/ department, etc. There will be no abuse of ranking personnel over junior personnel, officer or enlisted. *Note This applies to the previous two paragraphs in cumulative effect!
IMTU The Imperium has many religious beliefs, and a such allows freedom of worship, and that no religion shall place itself above another in the eyes of Imperial law. Religions which are intolerant of others will be respected so long as they recognize/ obey Imperial law..(Jihads gets the Imperium involved militarily!)
IMTU The Imperium, practices pan sophontism to all species designated by IISS/ Approved by The Imperial Bureau of Sophontry as sentient. Discrimination of race, specie(sentient), creed, color, or belief is a violation of Imperial law. (enforcement is hard, but the IMOJ is has jurisdiction on Imperial member worlds).
This is not to say its a "perfect TU", breaches in the above occur, and there are penalties (some more severe than others).
Marriages/ polygamy/ same sex unions:
There are a myriad form of marriages, based on cultures of minor human races, Terran, Zhodani, and Solomani influences, to include Line -marriage in starfaring wandering folk (Belters, Free Traders); As the Imperium recognizes no religion as superior over another, It also holds that any union entered into by Imperial magistrate of members of the same sex is legal and valid for tax purposes, as say a marriage of several individuals of mixed genders (line-marriage), and benefits thereof.
IMTU, "officially" Psionics are frowned upon, and considered Illegal, by Imperial edicts going back to the PSi suppressions.
(Unofficially, INI, and several Intelligence services maintain trained Psi personnel in their rosters for actions versus powers outside the Imperium (notably the Solomani/ Zhodani).
This topic was inspired by citizen Stormraven, and OOC-chats with my players on RPG-Live /Lonestar Room SUnday chats(Blacklight, Eak,Maspy, Ellros,Bryan Gibson,Shane McLean,Mark A Siefert,Valen, Chron, and myself). Supplemental input from The Mink, in a post on random static on what would be the mores of the Imperium in 57th century?
So lets put on our thinking caps again...shall we?
This "IMTU" page, so I'll start us out:
In my Imperium, the 57th century Certain behaviours plaguing the here and now, have been resolved.

This is not to say its a "perfect TU", breaches in the above occur, and there are penalties (some more severe than others).

There are a myriad form of marriages, based on cultures of minor human races, Terran, Zhodani, and Solomani influences, to include Line -marriage in starfaring wandering folk (Belters, Free Traders); As the Imperium recognizes no religion as superior over another, It also holds that any union entered into by Imperial magistrate of members of the same sex is legal and valid for tax purposes, as say a marriage of several individuals of mixed genders (line-marriage), and benefits thereof.

(Unofficially, INI, and several Intelligence services maintain trained Psi personnel in their rosters for actions versus powers outside the Imperium (notably the Solomani/ Zhodani).