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human stories and aslan

There's a book mentioned in 'Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy' called 'Zen and the Art of Going to the Toilet'. It's in many volumes and supposed to be so boring that most sentient beings commit suicide if forced to listen to a recital.
I'm sure that all Aslan have a secret translation of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe hidden amongst their possesions and take great delight in the fact that the Terrans liken their race to the noble Aslan. They might have some difficulty in identifying the sexes of the protaginists (nothing changes).
Vilani -- Law and Order, CSI
Henry V -- Imperium royal family
Clan of the Cave Bear --- Aslan (they'd like to think of solamani as primitive clan types)

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Aslan would like Star Trek. Well, episodes with Klingons in, anyway...
Not so sure about that. In most episodes the Klingons end up being outsmarted by the 'inferior' humans.
hmmm... "Battlefield Earth" that explains much of the Solomani psyche discrepencies, what? Roast Slowly, L. Ron...

Aslan Males would like those old kickass Japanese Costume Pictures for sure...

Aslan Females would like the film "The Taxing Woman" for sure, and as far as shows, probably JAG...

Solomani by the 57th century would love shows like "Name that Calamity" or "Starship Diasters" or "The Execution Hour" ....The sort that "Doesn't get" British Humor...

Vilani, on the other hand, would enjoy Masterpiece Theater... they "Get" British Humor... (I myself have a guilty pleasure for an old Terran show called "The Benny Hill Show")

Zhodani would watch each others dreams, The weirdoes...

Hivers I am convinced would be fascinated by Childrens Educational Programming of any sort.

Vargr... "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge"

K'Kree would watch "Nature" or just watch the grass grow...

Wouldn't Star Trek be like "The Waltons?"

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
I now have an image of a bunch of Hivers watching the Teletubbies...
Would explain much and would make a fun comic ala Far Side.

<Hiver armwiggle> Arbitrator Nim*: Ah I see the Galanglic version of <untranslatable Hiver "phrase"> is on again. The football is blue.


* Hiver Arbitrator on Gashuki; do *not* get arrested on a Hiver outpost (of course the pcs did just that in Endeavor
Brubek's burn suprisingly fast
I now know that Swordies like Lotr. But of course I always guessed that from their planet names. But now I have the book.
I'm struggling to think of something the Zhodani would enjoy
Star Treks with Vulcans in them; what else!
I'm sure that all Aslan have a secret translation of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe hidden amongst their possesions and take great delight in the fact that the Terrans liken their race to the noble Aslan. They might have some difficulty in identifying the sexes of the protaginists (nothing changes).
Actually I have a hard time imagining an Aslan liking
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's to "cute" for them. More likly they would be interested at first because of the Most Important Character.
And then turn away in disgust at the plot.
It's a good book, but it's not an Aslan book.
Vilani might like it: all that about stiff traditional English children.
K'Kree would watch "Nature" or just watch the grass grow...

don't most nature shows have predators in them? Maybe they would like a show that shows cattle peacefully grazing.
K'kree would like "road runner". It's always fun to see the predator get crushed.
By contrast Vargr would root for Wile E. Coyote: no explanation needed!
Originally posted by jatay3:
K'kree would like "road runner". It's always fun to see the predator get crushed.
By contrast Vargr would root for Wile E. Coyote: no explanation needed!
I second those choices.

I would figure the Daryen would like some mysteries. They could identify with Sherlock Holmes, a very cerebral problem solver that also does various research as a hobby and distraction. Most of the physical action and violence was from sidekicks and supporting actors.

Daryen and Zhodani could relate with diletant detectives from Christie and Sayers works. The idea of a aristocrat solving a crime or societal problem seems appealing to both cultures.
I have an image of a harried female Aslan (or Vargr for that matter) appreciating Thelma and Louise.

And for some reason, I see female Aslan watching the GNN Business Hour, enjoying shows like the Antiques Road Show (opportunities to find hidden treasures and turn a tidy profit from expertise and haggling) and the like.
Aslan of both genders would draw a lot from Rudolph Giuliani's book Leadership and would like Jappinise and Viking tails also some of the native american stuff would also apeal to the males. the Joes would like CSI just for Grissim and apreachate about half my anime colection. also The Star of the Gardians would apeal to both the Aslan and the joes but for difriant reasons. the Varg would go for Inspector Rex just on principle. on the movie frount Aslan would love Black Halk Down, Remember the Titans, Ned Kelly and The Rats of Tobrook (the varg would love the last three as well)and I'm shure that every Feamale Aslan would have a load of Nance Wake (AKA The White Mouse) stuff seckreated away.