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human stories and aslan

Imagine Aslan and Vargr watching the Disney movie "Cats and Dogs". Lot's of comments like "See, that's why we hate you", "It's been like that since before we evolved into sentient beings!" etc etc.
I guess the Vargr would like Lassie movies just to prove that they were smart long before cats were.
Originally posted by Maladominus:
I think the Aslan males would relate to videos of The Three Stooges.
Actually Three Stooges seems more like a Vargr sort of thing to me.
Originally posted by jatay3:
Actually Three Stooges seems more like a Vargr sort of thing to me.

IMTU the Stooges show up in a cultural 'echo' of sorts as the Three Sword Worlders or the Three Swordies.

They're wildly popular in certain sections of the Marches and Deneb, star in a number of interactive tri-dee 'shorts', and routinely play supporting roles in other productions.

While all three have beards you could ferrets in, each is recognisable thanks to their distinctive hair style and color. Short, stocky Mar's hair is trimmed in the classic 'spitoon style. Both his hair and beard are jet black. Taller, thinner Lini has a wild snarl of hair on either side of his bald spot. His hair and beard are butter blonde. Roly-poly Cnut - the favorite of every Imperial child under ten year's of age - has a bright red beard and short red stubble.

While mothers of all species complain about the level of violence exhibited in a Swordie Short, the Swordies remain great favorites among the school-aged set. In 1114, the Swordies' Plumbing Playset was sold more than any other toy in the Marches for the Holiday celebrations.

Have fun,

P.S. It great to see that you 'just now' discovered the quote buttons both here and at SJGames. ;)
By the way didn't we forget Bonanza; a grand saga of an Ihaiti landholder and his family maintaining there
Originally posted by jatay3:
What stories written by humaniti would an Aslan like.
Obviously he would like some, we are often simmilar; most human cultures have some elements about them which is simmilar to the Fteir.
How about the Chronicals of Narnia, Aslan has a prominent role in that book, its liable to feed their ego.
I would have thought that both Vargr & Aslan would have completely different thought patterns that even in translation all works of Humaniti would be rendered meaningless. As their essential cultural references would be taken away and they would only conclude either this was a sign of Solomani hubris or Imperial arrogance when they were shown these cultural works.
The Vargr would object strenuosly to the wolves being the bad guy secret police and allied with the White Which.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
The Vargr would object strenuosly to the wolves being the bad guy secret police and allied with the White Which.
Oh, I don't know. I think they might like the idea. Depends on the individual, of course, but many humans like an anti-hero or badass crooked cop (The SHIELD, anyone?), why not a few Vargr?