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Hunter. . . What's the Latest on Release??

Originally posted by MJD:
Oh, and watch this space. SOmething is happening.
Quick - someone break out the TL22 Anti-Cryptic Ray gun we got from that last Ancient's Site.

Appreciate the update, and the teasing.

OK, maybe not the teasing.

Like many others, I caught the Traveller fever and have already started a game - tried using a hybrid of CT, GT, TA#1 and the T20 Lite rules, but I am beginning to run into problems as the PC's begin to push the limits of what is covered in the game rules. ((Specifically the Trade and Commerce system))

I've said this before, and I see that someone else above has said it as well. I will Pay ((an additional $25 US)) for a pdf of the rules if it gets them to me faster than waiting for the hard-cover. :D It would solve almost all of my pain (only thing left is to explain it all to the wife, but she already knows I am a bit irrational on this hobby - just spent $81 buying all the BITS books at DragonCon)

I appreciate the work you all are putting in, but please don't tease us with cryptic hints of things to come. If the QLI policy is to utter only known facts, then stick to it. Suggesting or hinting isn't factual. Stating that an announcement or specific event will happen on a specific date is. If you don't know the date, then don't say ANYTHING.

My players are becoming a bit disatisified with the delays and hints of things to come. I'm a hardcore fan - you guys could jack the price up by a factor of 2 and I'd still buy the stuff. (( :rolleyes: I'm not saying you should, just trying to explain through hyperbole))

But this practice of slowly leaking info and hints is hurting my efforts to attract new fans. Maybe it can't be helped, but if so tell us why - we're all adults (well some of us anyway, looking over at TJ ;) ). Just tell us straight up what is and isn't going on. I'd guess that this was the original intent of the QLI 'Utter only Truth' policy.

Sorry to rant - I'm just desperate to see you guys be successful, and assume that my opinion matters or can be of help.
I agree completely with Smiling DM, and everything he said above. I have 25 bucks right here *rustle rustle* you can have it now! Today!

Any news is good news, guys. I know you don't want to build up hopes, but being straight with us is always good, even if it's not the news we wanted to hear.
While I **wish** that we could purchase a pdf form of the final rules, (I would do so without hesitation) I do not think that would be a responsible business move on the part of the developers at this time. I think that by concentrating on the final result we will all be able to enjoy T20 VERY SOON!

To think, the FINAL version of the book is at the Printers! Hoorah!
:D :D
Sigh, all right then.

Very shortly, later today, Hunter is going to tell you that the T20 rules have gone to the printers.

He's going to tell you that as soon as it's true.

But, unless something very strange happens in the next few hours, it's going out today.



Is that sufficiently non-cryptic, or would anyone like a diagram? (Grin)
I'd love a diagram!

But seriously, thank's for the info. Assuming that things go normally from here, when might we hope to see it in our local game store?

Is ther any chance that the JOTS issues that were done as PDF's will be printed?
Try and have a little fun and they just rain on our parade. Sheesh.

I swear it's like the end of the Universe or something.

And I'll stop teasing. That is if any of you even pay attention to my posts.


Originally posted by MJD:
Sigh, all right then.

Very shortly, later today, Hunter is going to tell you that the T20 rules have gone to the printers.

He's going to tell you that as soon as it's true.

But, unless something very strange happens in the next few hours, it's going out today.



Is that sufficiently non-cryptic, or would anyone like a diagram? (Grin)
Gee whiz - it will come with a free diagram!! :eek: WOW. :eek:

Thanx MJD - Have fun on your trip.

Now the hard question, from someone with no experience with the printing industry:

How long at the printers before I get my grubby hands on the thing?? 3-4 weeks?? Am I optimistic, pessimistic, or a lucky guesser?
Originally posted by Smiling DM:
How long at the printers before I get my grubby hands on the thing??[/i] 3-4 weeks?? Am I optimistic, pessimistic, or a lucky guesser?
My guess would probably be closer to five for the printing, with another week (or close to it) to get it out to distributors, and then a week (or close to it) from the distributors to your FLGS.

I knew I shoulda pre-ordered... :mad:
If it goes to the printer today, depending on the printer and the jobs they currently are working on, it could take 2 weeks to 2 months. My idea is it might be at the stores by the end of the month, but Hallowe'en at the latest.

Just remind the Printer to send you the first run of the books so that you can send them out to your LOYAL Pre-Order groupies. I mean, it would be better to have them in the process of getting to us than to have them piling up for some distributor, right?

After all, they haven't even paid for their copies, have they?

You all should think about getting a digital camera so you can track the process on the web-site. Something like "This is your book before it became a book". Just kidding.
Seriously, Congratulations to the entire team for hitting this VERY significant milestone. :D :D :D
"off to the printers"

is that anything like "gone gold" ????

hmmmm - to much time playing computer games in the last 10 years - not enough time playing pen and paper rpgs

congrats guys
Jeez, I said it... it better be right or Hunter will kick my butt right across the Atlantic.

Seriously, I'm waiting for the announcement too, and I can't wait. I don't know how long printing will take. I imagine there will be time for updates when we've got the thing out the door.
I am so very pleased to hear this good news. I admit I was getting a little worried for a while, but lets give these guy's their due. It is hard enough to design a RPG, but to update one of the three pillars of rpg (D&D Traveller and Champions; the three monsters of gaming) is a monumental and daunting task.

At work its hurry hurry hurry. Lets not rattle the dreamers. Let the dreamers dream!

PS: I know why Lord Osterman is Dead.
Do You?
The abosolutely latest news is that the very final layout stuff is happening right now, and is expected to be done in a few hours.

I've been sent the dedication page to look over, so it's very close to complete.

I'm out of contact from about an hour from now to next week, but Hunter says he might just feel like telling the world when it goes out.
Liam Devlin here... How's things going? Found this list a few days back. Nice! Cannae wait to infiltrate the D20 gamers who do AD & D with this puppy. Or, as we say on SOlee, "Co-opt them!"

I'll be in and out of touch here, but the home addy is still good. When do want the rest of the RC-Solee war stuff?