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MGT Only: IISS Intelligence Courier


SOC-14 5K
Admin Award
Peer of the Realm
This ship was designed by the IISS for its intelligence opperatives and quick movement of key individuals or very small (up to 1.75 tons) priority cargoes. Its use has also been adopted by MoJ for their agents.

IISS Intelligence Courier:

100 ton hullHull:2 Structure:21002
ArmorBonded Superdense 6 Points51
Jump Drive B(TL 15 Modifications) Jump=413.525
Maneuver Drive A (TL 15 Modifications)Thrust=21.58
Power Plant B (TL 15 Modifications)Power=45.2532
Fuel1 jump 4; 2 weeks opperations440
ComputerModel 4 (rating 20)-5
ElectronicsAdvanced (+1)32
WeaponsPop Up triple turret with PB (accurate, Variable Range, VHigh Yeld)26
Accomodations3 Staterooms121.5
-2 Low Berths10.1
ExtrasShip's Locker00
-Fuel Scoops00
-Fuel Purificator10.05
SoftwareManeuver (rating 0)00
-Jump Control/4 (rating 20)00.4
-Fire Control/2 (rating 10)010
-Evade/1 (rating 10)01

Mass Production cost: MCr 85.275

Crew is Pilot and Engineer (though it can be the same person, as in the Type S Scout/Courier).

The ship can carry up to 6 person teams (with double occupancy, crew included) and up to 2 more in Low Berth (usually used by the MoJ agents to carry captured people) at J4 speed. Needless to say, sociability is a must in those teams if the mission is to last any lenght of time...

Externally it is fully indistinguishable from a Type S Scout/Courier or Seeker, and its pop-up turret makes it to appear as unarmed at first glance.

IMTU it is exeptionally given to former Intelligence Scouts personnel in Detached Duty instead of the Type S, under the same rules, keeping them as Intelligence opperatives, or, also exceptionally, to former High Rank MoJ Agents who will also keep performing duties for them.

Design Notes:

Again using only MgT:CB rules, the only HG rule used is the TL size modifiers for Drives.

This is a variant of my first attempt to design a Drone X-boat equivalent that ended in the Drone Courier. When I realized that at J4 it has some space left, I decided to upgrade the Drone Courier to J5 and use the J4 design for another mission.
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I'll second this ...faster, well armed for its size. just enough for a small team and their personal gear.

I won't third this - but here's my logic. It's an intelligence courier and the only adventure parties that would get it are intelligence teams, i.e. active-duty IISS teams.

Good design, keep it up! :)
i.e. active-duty IISS teams.

Or MoJ teams, that can make good adventure ones...

And remember that Detached Duty Scouts (So any Scout receiveing a Type S as Mustering Out benefit) is considered semi-active at least...

IMTU it is exeptionally given to former Intelligence Scouts personnel in Detached Duty instead of the Type S, under the same rules, keeping them as Intelligence opperatives, or, also exceptionally, to former High Rank MoJ Agents who will also keep performing duties for them.

This can be handled as a bonus for those Scouts receiveing the Type S ship more than once in Mustering Out (for MoJ Career, it's up to the referee, as the specific career doesn't even exist, AFAIK).
This can be handled as a bonus for those Scouts receiveing the Type S ship more than once in Mustering Out (for MoJ Career, it's up to the referee, as the specific career doesn't even exist, AFAIK).

The Agent (Intelligence) career seems to be a good starting point.
The Agent (Intelligence) career seems to be a good starting point.

In fact, IMHO, it will be somwhere in between Agent (intelligence) and Agent (law enforcement).

Not having the book, I don't know if the book Agent has some more adequate possibility, but, again IMHO, it could deserve its own setting tied career.

If so, specialities could be Judicial (judges, prosecutors, etc), Field (agent properly) and Support (administrative, analysts, etc).
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