Here it is then:
The Chivalric Orders of the Third Imperium
Duke Maurice Belatsarwicz(Earl Marshal and Paramount Peer of the Imperium)
As dictated to Tobias Cooper
There are a multitude of Chivalric Orders in the Imperium; this paper will barely scratch the surface but may be of some assistance in enlightening those unfamiliar with these ancient institutions. A brief description will be given of each order; this will include the degrees of the order and the letters used to designate a knight. Any particular details of the decorations of the order will also be given.
The Order of the Emperors Guard:
This order, founded in 52, was in origin the highest chivalric order in the Imperium; as it became necessary to expand the number of recipients over time the Order lost its prestige. Cleon III made the whole population of the planet Scandia knights in 244 and this marks the end of the Order’s preeminence; on her accession Porfiria attainted the citizens of Scandia and reorganized the Order. She established three degrees of the Order; that of Knight (KEG), Knight Commander (KCEG), and Knight Grand Cross (GCEG). She also removed from the order all of its special privileges and distinctions. The insignia of the order is a eight pointed red star with an Imperial Sunburst in the centre; this is worn on a red neck ribbon for knights, as a breast star with a red sash by commanders, and as either a collar of linked hollow stars supporting an enlarged version of the standard star or as a breast star augmented by gold and rubies in either case worn with a red sash. As a mark of the sometime status of the Order the Grand Prince, or Princess, is by custom Grand Master of the Order (GMEG).
The Order of the Emperors Cross:
This was created by Porfiria in 246 to replace the Order of the Emperors Guard; its numbers are restricted to twenty four knights and the Emperor and Grand Prince. The knights of the Order are entitled and required to be armed in the Imperial presence; by custom, following the death of Ramon I (609), a silver hilted dress sword is worn in place of more modern weapons. This is one of the few Orders to retain a ceremonial dress although it is normally only worn at the Order’s annual meeting at Holiday; the uniform of the Order is a white tunic and britches worn with black knee length boots and a white cloak emblazoned on the left breast with the cross of the Order. This cross is a black latin cross-formy enameled silver at the edge and in its pendant form topped by a silver replica of the Imperial Crown. This Order ranks above all others in the Imperium and is only worn as a pendant cross on a black and silver ribbon. Knights of the Order put the letters EC after their names. The Emperors Cross has no Grand Master as by custom all the knights are equal; during the annual convocation of the Order all the knights, including the imperial knights, are simply addressed by their knightly title e.g. Sir Strephon.
The Order of the Starship and Crown:
The oldest Order still awarded, this was founded in 17 to reward victorious military officers. It can be awarded to any rank of officer who is in command at a battle deemed by his or her superiors of sufficient importance. This is only awarded in a single degree, that of Knight (KSC) and is one of only five orders that can be worn on undress uniform. The insignia of the order is a golden crown upon two stylized crossed starships enameled white suspended on a white ribbon. The Grand Master of this Order (GMSC) is decided by date of installation; the current Grand Master is Brigadier General Baron Julius Protz the commander of the marine garrison on Capital.
The Honorable Order of the Arrow:
This Order, sometimes referred to as the Scout Service Order, was established in 100 to honor interstellar explorers. To receive the order the recipient must have discovered, mapped or been involved in first contact with a previously unknown planet. The Order currently has no living holders; the last knight, Marshal of the IISS Baroness Olga M’bane, died in 456. The insignia of the order is a clasped bunch of seven arrows each enameled a different color of the spectrum this is worn either with a sash or on a pendant ribbon of the same colors. This is not to be confused with the Fraternal Order of the Arrow (see below).
The Fraternal Order of the Arrow:
This Order was founded in 455 at the request of Marshal of the IISS Olga M’bane; rather than reduce the stringent requirements of the HOA the Fraternal Order was created to replace it and honor members of the IISS. It has two degrees that of Knight Brother, or frater, (KBOA) and Knight Captain (KCOA) which is awarded to members of the administration. The Order’s insignia is a single arrow in silver, frater, or gold, Knight Captain, on a black enameled disk decorated with a stylized starfield; the disk is suspended on the same ribbon as the HOA but augmented with a black trim added in 456 on the death of the Order’s first Grand Master Olga M’bane. The Grand Master is created by the Emperor on the death of the incumbent; the current Grand Master is Margaret, dowager Duchess Soult former Marshal of the IISS.
The Order of the Sword of Vland:
Another decoration that can be worn on undress uniforms, this is the highest military knighthood awarded only to the commanders in chief of the armed forces and, since 629, to the President of the Security Council. It is awarded in only one degree that of knight (KSV), and its insignia is a silver disk engraved with the crescent of the Vilani Imperium bisected with a golden sword point upward. This decoration is only worn as a breast star and has no sash. The Grand Master of the Order is decided by date of creation; the current holder is Count Franz Tiza the former President of the Security Council.
The Naval Order of Cleon V:
Founded in 615 to reward the naval commanders who re-conquered the Home Worlds this may now be awarded to all serving naval personnel; it is awarded in four degrees Member (MCV) awarded to other ranks carrying a pension but not a knighthood, Knight (KCV) awarded to those of Petty Officer rank and higher, Knight Commander (KCCV) awarded to officers only, and Grand Knight (GKCV) awarded to officers of flag rank. The Order’s badge is an imperial sunburst in red enamel set with a fouled anchor in bronze (members), silver (knights) or gold (knight commanders and above). Members wear this as a badge, knights and above on either a pendant ribbon or with a sash of black-red-black, grand knights additionally wear a knotted gold cord on the hilt of their dress daggers. The Grand Master (GMCV) is the Lord High Admiral who is appointed to the Order on his promotion if he is not already a member; the current holder is Duke Jean Soult.
The Order of Steel:
Another of the military orders of chivalry; created by the Emperor Constantus in 609 to reward his fellow army officers. Emperor Nicolai confirmed the decoration during his brief reign; ironically his successor George murdered the emperor just after being created a knight of the Order. The order can be awarded in four degrees; Member (MOS) awarded to other ranks carrying a pension, Knight (KOS) awarded to NCOs and above, Knight Commander (KCOS) awarded to officers and Grand Knight (GKOS) awarded to general officers. The insignia of the Order is a base metal greek cross with a rim of black enamel (Members and Knights), or silver (Knight Commanders and above). Members wear this as a badge, knights and above on either a pendant ribbon or with sash of dove gray, grand knights wear a grey knotted cord on their dress swords. The Marshal-General is Grand Master (GMOS) of the Order; this appointment is immediate on promotion to Marshal-General.
The Order of the Moon:
A unique Order in as much as it is in the gift of the Empress; the order was created by Nicholle in 460 and was originally only awarded to women. Cleon IV gifted the order to his wife and she made the Order inclusive in 608 by installing her husband as a Grand Knight of the Order. The Order is awarded in three degrees; Knight (KOM), Grand Knight (GKOM), and Knight Grand Commander (KGCOM). The insignia of the order is a five pointed silver star inlayed with mother of pearl, the Grand Knight’s star has silver leaves between the points of the star, and the Grand Commander’s star has pearl clusters; the order’s ribbon is white-grey-white. The Empress is always the Grand Mistress (GMOM) of the Order; she is invested at her coronation.
The Orders of the White Eagle of Antares, the Red Eagle of Illelish and the Black Eagle of Vland:
As the similarity of these Order’s names suggest they are interrelated; they were created by Olav to reward his three principle allies, who may or may not have been his accomplices in Jacqueline’s murder. Ramon I, who had been created Knight of the Black Eagle, created other knights of both that and the other two Orders. George created Knights Grand Cross in 613. The insignia of the orders is a silver disk embossed with enamel spread-eagles; Grand Knight’s insignia are embellished with precious stones. The Orders’ ribbons are green, Olav’s heraldic color, trimmed with either black, white or red. The Grand Masters of these Orders are appointed by the Emperor; the current holders are Countess Marina Belesarius GMWE, Marquis Anton de Vries GMRE, and Baron Ravi Advani GMBE.
The Orders of Antares, Deneb, Gateway, Ilelish, Sol, (Sylea) and Vland:
These Orders, which are in the gift of the Archdukes, were, with the exception of the Order of Deneb, founded in 120 by Artemsus. The Order of Deneb although founded in 589 had no knights created until 1118, and to date no knights of the Order of Sylea have been created. The insignia of the Orders is a silver six pointed star set with an enameled miniature of the Archduke’s badge; the ribbon of the order is either claret (Antares), white (Deneb), blue (Gateway), salmon-pink (Ilelish), yellow (Sol), black (Sylea), or green (Vland) augmented with a narrow gold band in the centre. As there has never been a Knight of Sylea only a single set of the insignia exists held by the Emperor as de facto Grand Master of the Order; this is kept with the rest of the regalia in Kroprow Castle under the guardianship of the Lord Warden of the Castle. The Archdukes are created Grand Masters of the Orders on their accession.
The Order of the Tower and Sword: T
his Order was created by the Empress Marava to reward the commanders of the assault on the Grand Palace of Martin II (620). Arbellatra expanded the Order to reward military personnel responsible for either capturing or defending fortified positions; the Order is awarded in two equal degrees that of Knight Guardian and Knight Victor both are signified by the letters KTS. The insignia of the Knights Victor, the original award, is two gold swords crossed behind a ruined tower enameled in black; that of Knights Guardian has the tower in gold with the black swords crossing in front. The ribbon of the order is black with a series of gold bends. A civilian degree was created in 790 to reward those who have defended ideals and ephemeral beliefs; these Knights Batchelor wear their badges on a ribbon of black, and silver bends. This Order has two grand officers; the Vicar General (VTS), currently Countess Elizabeth Fang, who heads the Order of the Knights Batchelor and the Master General (MTS), currently Brigadier General Baroness Naina McMullen Colonel of the Sol Guard, who heads the Knights Guardian and Victor.
The Senatorial Order of Merit:
Created at the request of the Earl Marshal Marcus of Belerophon in 629; this decoration is in the gift of the Earl Marshal and is awarded to peers who have been particularly strong in defense of the rights and privileges of the Senate and peerage in general. The insignia of the Order, which can be awarded in two degrees, is a gold disk augmented with the Moot Spire in white enamel (KSOM); the Grand Knight’s (GKSOM) insignia has a silver wreath around the disk; the ribbon of the Order is red trimmed with gold and Grand Knight’s also receive a collar of linked hands, in white enamel, and ‘S’s in gold. The Earl Marshal, currently Gaius, Lord Valens of Alkaira, is the Grand Master of the Order (GMSOM).
The Order of the Capitol:
This Order was created during the interregnum (613-615) by the then Baron of the Capitol, and Premier, Rudolph de Vries; the first sixteen knights were created in 614 shortly before Vries assassination. Cleon V reestablished the order in 616 to reward those who helped him capture Capital. The Order was originally established for Knights (KC), but Cleon introduced Grand Knights (GKC) in 616; the Order’s insignia is a gold five pointed star worn on a scarlet pendant ribbon. Grand Knight’s stars are embellished with a ruby cluster in the centre. By custom the Grand Master of the Order is the Baron of the Capital, currently Count Louis de Saint-Just.
Order of the Knights of the Imperium:
This Order, who’s Grand Master is the Emperor, was created by Martin V to honor foreigners. The Order is awarded in a single degree, that of Knight (KImp), and carries with it honorary citizenship of the Imperium; the Order’s insignia is an enamel replica of the imperial sunburst on a purple pendant ribbon.
A note on Grand Masters, the Grand Masters’ main function is to pledge fealty to the emperor at his coronation on behalf of the knights of the order. They are also entitled to augment their coats-of-arms with the collar of the Order.