...In general, I dislike the US-centric view commonly found in alt-history and futuristic settings (as it appears you do), but when it comes to military stuff, I tend to just replace that with a Commonwealth perspective, which isn't objectively any better. That does mean, though, that sticking to USMC-influenced Marines is actually kind of different for me.
I do agree that an original concept (that is also functional and sensible) is, in general, preferable to sticking closely to modern dynamics in a far future setting.
OTOH, sticking to the things that we know is a lot simpler, and the work-reward ratio for me, makes a more divergent system a less worthwhile option.
In general, I dislike the US-centric view commonly found in alt-history and futuristic settings (as it appears you do), but when it comes to military stuff...
I think that the biggest failing in most military sci-fi TO&Es is to adequately consider the effect of enhanced communication and data processing capabilities.
The classic 20th century "triangular" unit was chosen due to the fact that a commander could seldom control more than 3-4 subordinate combat units. The US Army, with its 1950s Pentomic battlegroup experiment, exceeded the C3I capabilities of the time. Commanders simply could not control five subordinate combat formations, spread out over a large area to avoid atomic attack. So the US Army went back to the ROAD division organization in which each company had 3 line platoons, each battalion had 3 line companies, etc.
However, in the 1980s, improved command and control capabilities allowed US commanders to increase their span of control. The US Division 86 TO&E had five combat units in the Mechnized Infantry Battalion (4 rifle companies and 1 antitank company).
I think that this trend will continue so that commanders will be able to effectively command at least 5 subordinate combat units. I don't know what the upper limit is, but my guess is that armies would be conservative and probably 5 or 6 would be about it, especially considering the dispersion that is characteristic of very high tech armies.
Another effect of data processing and automation should be to dramatically increase the teeth to tail ratio. In my Commonwealth campaign, the Commonwealth Marines have about a 1:1 teeth to tail ratio.
What this means is that a Traveller infantry force (TL11+) might look a lot like the US Pentomic Infantry division:
5 squads per platoon
5 platoons per company
5 companies per battle group (a brigade sized unit)
5 battle groups per division
At each level above platoon level, there will be 1-2 support units. So each company will have 1-2 support platoons, etc. Note that this organization gets rid of the battalion, though this is just a question of nomenclature.
I also expect that units will be officially blended at a far lower level than today. Today, most armies organize pure infantry and armor battalions, with cross-attachments done by brigade commanders. This is primarily due to the fact that maintenance is more efficient with pure battalions (maintenance and C3I assets are concentrated at battalion level in most Western armies and at regiment level in Soviet style armies).
As technology improves, I'd expect to see this move down a level so that companies are the primary unit of maneuver and contain a combined arms mixture of assets. So a heavy infantry company might have 3 platoons of infantry with IFVs and 2 armored platoons. It would also contain a slice of maintenance and support assets that would make it at least as self-sufficient as a modern battalion task force. And the trend has been for units to become increasingly dispersed in normal operations. Going to a company sized maneuver unit would facilitate that.
A contra argument would be to keep units pure for maintenance efficiency and use advanced simulators so that units a continent away can pratice fighting together. If the simulator technology is good enough, I don't see why this wouldn't work. Such units would resemble today's units -- organized as "pure" units, but would convert to a blended unit when deployed. (This is what happens today; but the groupings are theoretically ad hoc. Smart commanders cross attach the same units together over and over so that they can get experience working together.)