Yeah, but the backlash against the 'modular' design has apparently already begun, with engineers and cavalry for instance demanding a return to their own units.Current Brigade Combat Team (BCT) structures in the US Army have 2 or 3 maneuver battalions (armor/mech mix or pure infantry), 1 recon battalion (heavy or light model), 1 artillery battalion, a support battalion, and special troops battalion. A Division can have one or more BCTs of any type attached as the structure is modular - no more reliance on a DIVARTY, DIVENG, or DISCOM for support as those "slices" are now resident within the BCT.
If you want a wacky organisation for your Traveller military go with the Pentomic division from the US, or the British Field Force concept from the 1970s or a French "division" (essentially a reinforced brigade).
I have experimented with the "Lancer" combat vehicle concept introduced in MT - this is a large, well-protected grav sled that carries a half-platoon/section of up to 24 troops, and has the firepower of a battle tank. Two of these babies make up a platoon, with the 40-50 troops able to dismount as required. A company is seven Lancers (like the old Soviet heavy tank companies) and a battalion of 22. For units that need to deploy across interstellar distances in the holds of transports the saving in dT can be significant over a traditional tank/lift inf task force with Trepida/Astrin equivalents. Generally in CT/Striker or TNE FFS1 bigger is better, so the Lancer is not the disaster that the MT design system reduced it to - MT you will recall is fundamentally flawed for ground/grav combat vehicle design because you create what are in essence armoured boxes (there being no slope effects or differing armour for differing faces, part of the sacrifice to get a simple system that melded ground and space vehicle design) and hence you cannot put decent frontal armour on a vehicle without creating a behemoth that costs a small fortune. MT combat vehicles exist in a universe where everyone has a main gun far more powerful than any armour protection they can fit. I can't think of a main battle tank produced in the last fifty years that did not at least come close to being protected against its own main armament - but in MT it is the norm that your main gun has fifty-percent or more excess penetration.