Just came across an interesting section in Book 4, talking about battledress skill, specifically what happens to people firing plasma weapons who don't have the skill:
I thought this was an interesting way of thinking about what 1D and 2D worth of injuries looks like in real terms.
Book 4 said:"On a roll of 3-4 the individual has
suffered injuries to his right shoulder
rendering it useless until proper medical
treatment is received. These injuries would
consist of numerous torn ligaments and
muscles as well as a broken collar bone. Subtract
1D from the player's dexterity. On a
roll of 5-6, the individual is unconscious and
suffering internal injuries resulting from the
recoil and must receive medical attention in
the near future to prevent death. Subtract
2D from the player's dexterity."
I thought this was an interesting way of thinking about what 1D and 2D worth of injuries looks like in real terms.