Captain Zoom
Just because something "smacks" of the prime directive from another setting and there is no prime directive in this setting, doesn't invalidate the idea of protecting unique undeveloped cultures. That's a logical fallacy. Yes, there is no official governmental directive in Traveller that prohibits interference with local or undeveloped cultures, but there's evidence in the game that some government agencies tend to worry more about undeveloped cultures than other government agencies, and certainly there are individuals and groups that are concerned about the issue.This smacks of a "prime directive" which, as MWM and others have often pointed out, does not exist in the OTU
If the natives had something worth trading there would be trade, there are plenty of low TL planets that aren't interdicted.
IMHO a megacorp could easily "win" the rights to develop the other worlds in an interdicted system, provided that the Imperium isn't hiding something
It's been said that the Scouts have a tendency to interdict worlds to protect developing cultures (as opposed to the Imperial Navy which has a tendency to interdict worlds for punitive reasons). Also remember, that Imperial agencies must petition for Interdiction status, so the Imperial government does get to weigh the costs and benefits, so it's not something that some bureaucrat (scout/navy or otherwise) can simply sign off on.
If the Scout Service interdicts a system, I've had the impression they mean the whole system. If it comes to ordinary mining or other general activities, there are plenty of other places to go. If the system had something truly unique or rare, not just valuable, then maybe politics might allow a megacorp to "negotiate" the ability to exploit the resource despite the interdiction. Space is vast, and nickel iron ore from one asteroid belt isn't any better than nickel iron ore from another asteroid belt. Besides, a space blockade is easier to maintain if you simply don't let anyone near. If there are ships zipping about, a few might get lost and end up on the Interdicted world.