SOC-14 1K
The boast of the design-bureau is that the Intrepid-class Wilderness Trader can fly anywhere, refuel anywhere, land anywhere, and trade anywhere.
A slightly overweight 300 Dt TL-13 airframe hull with floatation adaption with J-2, 2G capability gives good performance in atmosphere. With wings, lifters, landing wheels, and floatation adaption it can land on tarmac, wilderness, and even water.
It can refuel from gas, water, and ice, with a purifier of course.
Intended for the rougher parts of space it has reasonable sensors, armament capability, and armour.
It has a comprehensive, if somewhat basic sensor package. The main package: Deep Space capable Radio, Radar, and Scope are quite good. The Jammer and perhaps the Stealth Mask gives some protection from low-tech threats.
It has four point-defence turrets (SLM, Range-1) installed as standard, giving some defensive and even a modicum of offensive capability, with two hardpoints left open for later use and 2 Dt reserved.
An extra layer of high-tech plate gives AV 34, and a Reflec coating gives good protection against lasers.
The bridge and other control stations are roomy (Ergonomics -2), but with rather few consoles. The bridge only contains three consoles and a m/2 computer. The rest of the ship has a single Engineering console with a backup m/1 computer and two Gunnery-capable multi-purpose consoles.
The ship is designed for a small crew of only six persons (Captain, Pilot, Astrogator, Engineer, Medic, Steward), but each crew-member gets a dual-capable stateroom (Comfort -2), so extra crew can be accommodated.
The rather roomy Control and Crew areas gives plenty of space for customisation, even if Comfort and Ergonomics might suffer.
There are four luxury staterooms for 1st class passengers, four staterooms for 2nd class passengers, with a tasteful salon and dining room (Demand ±0).
A steerage cubby supports eight 3rd class passengers with a common fresher and small galley. Eight Low berths are standard.
All life support and freshers are double the standard amount, to assure smooth functioning even if regular maintenance is not always possible and to handle potential overcrowding. Escape capsules for 30 people are included.
A little over 120 Dt cargo rounds out the capacity.
Three personnel air locks, one adjacent to a vehicle bracket (no vehicle included), gives outside access. There is no cargo air lock, so the entire cargo hold has to be evacuated to open the cargo hatches.
At MCr 90 it is not quite profitable at standard rates. It can be ordered w/o PD turrets for MCr 85.
A slightly overweight 300 Dt TL-13 airframe hull with floatation adaption with J-2, 2G capability gives good performance in atmosphere. With wings, lifters, landing wheels, and floatation adaption it can land on tarmac, wilderness, and even water.
It can refuel from gas, water, and ice, with a purifier of course.
Intended for the rougher parts of space it has reasonable sensors, armament capability, and armour.
It has a comprehensive, if somewhat basic sensor package. The main package: Deep Space capable Radio, Radar, and Scope are quite good. The Jammer and perhaps the Stealth Mask gives some protection from low-tech threats.
It has four point-defence turrets (SLM, Range-1) installed as standard, giving some defensive and even a modicum of offensive capability, with two hardpoints left open for later use and 2 Dt reserved.
An extra layer of high-tech plate gives AV 34, and a Reflec coating gives good protection against lasers.
The bridge and other control stations are roomy (Ergonomics -2), but with rather few consoles. The bridge only contains three consoles and a m/2 computer. The rest of the ship has a single Engineering console with a backup m/1 computer and two Gunnery-capable multi-purpose consoles.
The ship is designed for a small crew of only six persons (Captain, Pilot, Astrogator, Engineer, Medic, Steward), but each crew-member gets a dual-capable stateroom (Comfort -2), so extra crew can be accommodated.
The rather roomy Control and Crew areas gives plenty of space for customisation, even if Comfort and Ergonomics might suffer.
There are four luxury staterooms for 1st class passengers, four staterooms for 2nd class passengers, with a tasteful salon and dining room (Demand ±0).
A steerage cubby supports eight 3rd class passengers with a common fresher and small galley. Eight Low berths are standard.
All life support and freshers are double the standard amount, to assure smooth functioning even if regular maintenance is not always possible and to handle potential overcrowding. Escape capsules for 30 people are included.
A little over 120 Dt cargo rounds out the capacity.
Three personnel air locks, one adjacent to a vehicle bracket (no vehicle included), gives outside access. There is no cargo air lock, so the entire cargo hold has to be evacuated to open the cargo hatches.
At MCr 90 it is not quite profitable at standard rates. It can be ordered w/o PD turrets for MCr 85.