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Is anything happening?

That's the magic six billion dollar question now isn't it. Wouldn't it be great to here some news on this project?
*gnaws on the thread* we're curious here guys
<<Begin News Flash>>

Unofficial Official sources have confirmd that the long awaited Honorverse RPG project is moving forward. Unofficial sources have implied that the design team IS hard at work on the project.

What this really means is up for speculation. Market speculators are cautious at the news and await OFFICIAL word on the status of the project.

When official word is expected is unknown.

<<End News Flash>>

P.S. I know all of you really want something MORE concrete, but I really can't give you anymore. Other than my tongue 'n cheek news flash.
Needless to say, things ARE moving along.

The Man Behind the Curtain
Originally posted by Bruce:
<<Begin News Flash>>

Unofficial Official sources have confirmd that the long awaited Honorverse RPG project is moving forward. Unofficial sources have implied that the design team IS hard at work on the project.

What this really means is up for speculation. Market speculators are cautious at the news and await OFFICIAL word on the status of the project.

When official word is expected is unknown.

<<End News Flash>>

P.S. I know all of you really want something MORE concrete, but I really can't give you anymore. Other than my tongue 'n cheek news flash.
Needless to say, things ARE moving along.

The Man Behind the Curtain
Well that explains everything!

I joined the moot specifically so I could get the info on the HHRPG. It appears that my subscription will expire before anything is actually announced.
Originally posted by Bhoins:

I joined the moot specifically so I could get the info on the HHRPG. It appears that my subscription will expire before anything is actually announced.
I know the feeling...I've kind of waited until there was movement on this to get a moot membership...I've been waiting a long time.

Just went looking for the original announcement and found that looks like it was posted to the site January 15th 2004 (despite the date actually in the release being Jan 7, 2003). It even has a line "The initial Honor Harrington core book, due out late summer 2004" in it...I remember being really excited about that.

Now, I happen to know that setting dates in this industry is little better than making a wild guess, but with so little information about it in the course of over a year it would be really easy to assume that it was going to turn out to be vaporware...

...oh well...

guess I'll make sure to check on it in another six months...
Originally posted by BrennanHawkwood:

Now, I happen to know that setting dates in this industry is little better than making a wild guess, but with so little information about it in the course of over a year it would be really easy to assume that it was going to turn out to be vaporware...

...oh well...

guess I'll make sure to check on it in another six months...
nothing like the Anime version of the Mutineer's Moon.

Originally posted by Savar:
nothing like the Anime version of the Mutineer's Moon.
2+ years? ouch even for animation. ADV-PRO seems to have run into snags with other projects though ADV Films (parent company) at least is doing quite well.

Like the artwork, have to find my unread copy of the book sometime.