You are probably correct. I just like how "Schmoozing" sounds.
Schmoozing is a subset of Carousing, to my understanding.
How I understand them
Carousing: informal socializing, or semi-formal socializing in specific contexts outside the workplace. Often includes available intoxicants or stimulants (alcohol/marijuana/tobacco/coffee/tea).
Schmoozing: socializing with a goal of establishing connections for later use, improving the boss's view of oneself, or influencing a potential client's view of your business.
Common examples of schmoozing for business purposes in the late 20th C include taking clients to (and places where I've seen it referenced outside of fiction)...
... Bars for cocktails (US, UK, Japan)
... Bars for serious hard drinking (Japan - often initiated by the bosses)
... Karaoke (Japan and occasionally the US)
... Cigar clubs (US)
... Athletic clubs (US)
... Golfing (US, Japan, I'm told also Scotland)
... Hooka Bars (Middle East, especially Turkey and Egypt)
... Tea houses for tea (UK, Middle East, Japan, China, rarely in the US)
... Sports Events (just about everywhere, but which sport varies widely)
... Amsterdam's "coffee shops" (which are really pot shops)
... meals (pretty much everywhere)