I'm considering the following ideas about Zero-Level Skills and the use of the J-O-T Skill:
1) Zero-Level Skill Availability:
1a) Any character from a homeworld with an Atmosphere of 0 or 1, or who have served in a space-bourn service (Navy, Marines, Merchants, Scouts, Pirates, Belters and so on) recieves Vacc Suit-0.
1b) Any character from a world of TL5-9 recieves Ground Vehicle-0.
1c) Any character from a world of TL10+ who posses SOC 8+ recieves Grav Vehicle-0.
1d) Any character who have served in a military or paramilitary career (Army, Marines, Navy, Fliers, Sailors, Hunters and Law Enforecement) may choose ONE weapon skill as skill-zero.
1e) In addition, each character recieves EDU/2 (round down) zero-level skills to be chosen freely (subject to the referee's consent, ofcourse). For example, a character with EDU 7 may choose 3 zero-level skills. These skills come in addition to any zero-level skills recieved by virtue of a character's homeworld or career.
2) If a character uses a skill he has neither a "real" skill or a skill-0 in, he suffers from DM-4.
3) Jack-O-Trades allows a character to attempt to recieve a "skill-0-equivalent" to a specific task; this attemp is, by itself, a UGM task of Jack-O-Trades/EDU/Difficulty-DM, where the Difficulty DM is determined by the skill. I'll add the J-O-T DMs to the next version of my skill-list. For example, Vacc Suit will have a J-O-T DM of +2; a character without any Vacc Suit skill but with J-O-T will roll Jack-O-Trades/EDU/+2, and, if successful, will be able to use a Vacc Suit as if he had Vacc Suit-0. Note that J-O-T could not be aquired by itself as a "Skill-0".
1) Zero-Level Skill Availability:
1a) Any character from a homeworld with an Atmosphere of 0 or 1, or who have served in a space-bourn service (Navy, Marines, Merchants, Scouts, Pirates, Belters and so on) recieves Vacc Suit-0.
1b) Any character from a world of TL5-9 recieves Ground Vehicle-0.
1c) Any character from a world of TL10+ who posses SOC 8+ recieves Grav Vehicle-0.
1d) Any character who have served in a military or paramilitary career (Army, Marines, Navy, Fliers, Sailors, Hunters and Law Enforecement) may choose ONE weapon skill as skill-zero.
1e) In addition, each character recieves EDU/2 (round down) zero-level skills to be chosen freely (subject to the referee's consent, ofcourse). For example, a character with EDU 7 may choose 3 zero-level skills. These skills come in addition to any zero-level skills recieved by virtue of a character's homeworld or career.
2) If a character uses a skill he has neither a "real" skill or a skill-0 in, he suffers from DM-4.
3) Jack-O-Trades allows a character to attempt to recieve a "skill-0-equivalent" to a specific task; this attemp is, by itself, a UGM task of Jack-O-Trades/EDU/Difficulty-DM, where the Difficulty DM is determined by the skill. I'll add the J-O-T DMs to the next version of my skill-list. For example, Vacc Suit will have a J-O-T DM of +2; a character without any Vacc Suit skill but with J-O-T will roll Jack-O-Trades/EDU/+2, and, if successful, will be able to use a Vacc Suit as if he had Vacc Suit-0. Note that J-O-T could not be aquired by itself as a "Skill-0".