OK, let's see whant happens when you need high rolls.
Let's imagine the party has to fix their life support. The roll to do it is 12+, and the two characters able to do it have a +1 stat bonus. One of them (let's call him A) has engineering 2 (power plant and jump drive, so he rest of specialties to 0). The other (let's call him B) JOT 1.
With rules as written (JOT reduces the unskilled DM):
- A needs to roll 12+ with a +1 DM, so 11+ (about 8% chance). Exceptional failure (effect -6) on a 5- (so about 28% chance)
- B cannot do it unless takes more time to have positive DMs.
With JOT as rerolling capacity situation is more or less the same.
With your suggested rules (JOT nullifies unskilled DM and gives you rerolls):
- A: same as above
- B: Needs to roll 12+ with a +1 DM, but rolls twice and chooses the best. So about 15% chance of success (rolling 11+ in any of both rolls) and about 7% chance of extraordinary failure (rolling 5- in both rolls).
So, when those high rolls are in force, your rules not only give the JOT player about double chance to achieve the result, but also reduce the chance of an Exceptional failure by about 75%. Not much sense, IMHO (YMMV)...