Built using Traveller5.
Trader A-BA11 Perseus MCr52.7

Using a 200-ton, TL12 hull, the Perseus-class Free Trader mounts A-series drives, giving it jump-1 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 1 parsec jump, at 20t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/1. There are 10 staterooms and 20 low berths. There are two empty single turrets. Cargo capacity is 82 tons. The ship has an airframe hull, with scoops, intakes, and bins for frontier refueling. It is also capable of wilderness and water landings.
The ship carries 4 crew -- pilot/astrogator, engineer, steward, medic, and can carry up to 6 passengers and 20 low passengers. Up to two gunners may be added, which would reduce the number of passengers carried.
Overtonnage: 2 tons
Crew comfort: +0
Passenger demand: +1
Trader A-BA11 Perseus MCr52.7

Using a 200-ton, TL12 hull, the Perseus-class Free Trader mounts A-series drives, giving it jump-1 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 1 parsec jump, at 20t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/1. There are 10 staterooms and 20 low berths. There are two empty single turrets. Cargo capacity is 82 tons. The ship has an airframe hull, with scoops, intakes, and bins for frontier refueling. It is also capable of wilderness and water landings.
The ship carries 4 crew -- pilot/astrogator, engineer, steward, medic, and can carry up to 6 passengers and 20 low passengers. Up to two gunners may be added, which would reduce the number of passengers carried.
Overtonnage: 2 tons
Crew comfort: +0
Passenger demand: +1
Tons Component MCr Notes
------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------------------
200 Airframe Hull, lifters, 2 a/l free 16 A, lifters, 2 a/l free
2 Landing legs with pads 2
20 Jump Fuel (1 parsec) 0 1 parsec jump, at 20t per parsec
2 Plant Fuel (one month) 0 one month
4 PowerPlant-1 (A) 4 P 1
10 Jump Drive-1 (A) 10 J 1
2 Maneuver Drive-1 (A) 4 1 G
1 Fuel Bins 0.1 20 t/hr
1 Fuel Purifier 1
1 Fuel Scoops 0.1 100 t/hr
0 AR Surf Communicator 2
0 AR Surf EMS 2
0 AR Surf Scope 2
2 2x AR T1 Empty 0.4 #2
1 Computer Model/1 std 1.5
1 Life Support Luxury 1 10 high passengers
1 Life Support Standard 1 10 person-months
0.5 Med Console 0.5
5 Standard Bridge 0.6 1cc 4op 0ws
0.5 Crew Shared Fresher 0.5 4 crew
8 4x Crew Stateroom 0.4 #4 1 crew
10 Crew Commons 0
82 Cargo Hold Basic 0
10 20x Low Berth 2 #20 1 passenger
2 Cargo Lock 0
12 6x Standard Stateroom 0.6 #6 1 passenger
1 2x Shared Fresher 1 #2 4 passengers
23 Passenger Lounge 0
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