Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:
The original FFS had rules for alternate tech jumpgates. They proposed a sort of "manually drilled wormhole" for operation instead of jumpspace.
So, I propose that you have two ways of going about this:
1. Set up the jumpgates to use some sort of non-jump tech for their operation. Alternatech from FFS may, or may not be cannon in your opinion, but the rules are there, and they are usable. There's even design rules on how to set them up, how much power they require, and how big they are.
2. Have the jumpgate apply "shrink wrap" an applique field generator layer on the passing ship before it chucks it into jumpspace. How you explain this is up for interpretation. You could claim that the gate sprays on the wrap, that the wrap is just a magnetic charge on the hull metal, or that it reaches out with giant George Jetson type arms to apply the ole reynolds in a more time honored fashion. (Jane! Stop this crazy thing!)
The gate then supplys the power, jump fuel, and all astrogation functions. The jump gate sequence could run: wrap the field layer, charge the grid, bore the tunnel, launch the ship, depolarize for the next customer.
Its an idea anyway.
RADM Bachfisch/DS is correct on the FF&S listing for Jump gate technology.
It has limits...
Earliest gates being TL-10, being able to move a vessel(Non jump-henceforth in this post called NJ)
7 parsecs.
AN example of "Ancient technology leftover" and used in a campaign, would be the Swan Kingdom of the Stars By Antony Farrel, on the Yahoo taveller webring.
A Most excellent example, set in a Traveller usniverse, Solomani Rim, alternate/ non Imperium setting.
Not Quite the David Weber Honorverse, but it has parallels woth noting! Good ideas to mine folks.
IMTU, I had the Geonee Confederation in TNE recover in the 70 years since the collapse some of htis technology, and opened up a Jump gate. They work in pairs...
Size of the Ring/gate limits the size of ship that can use it. All others must use jump drives themselves...
I think in AF's its 15ktns max that can use the gates, at a passage (1 ship) or multiples up to 15kts..(1x 10kt+1* 5kt,/ 3x 5kts/ 6x 2.5Kts, etc).
The gates must then "recharge" (usually internally and solar powered (Receptors facing the Star in the system they were arranged in.
I made an adventure where the Geonee fixed their end of a gate...the PCs were 17 parsecs away studying this ancient artifact...when it"turned on" and they were passing thru the ring...and wound up guests of the Geonee!
If I was going to utilize these as alternate technology, I might want to point out they are extremely expensive to build. (in pairs). A Lanthanum poor star cluster might erect these to save valuable resources for its military, and link up Rich worlds with its Hi IN worlds to save merchant shipping costs in construction. After all, NJ ships can be built at TL-7, with a B-class port!
The tender/ ferry system has been around, since CT days.
Military uses are the Battle Tender, and her Battle Riders.
Earliest example I can recall is the ISS Star Rider, 40,000dtns, capable of carrying nearly 20ktns of ships (in the High Passage #5 adventure where she is featured, some 16 x 400dtn ships possible, in this case SDB's as "battle riders").
Sadly, Star Rider was a milspec ship that did not make the IN's cut, so she's a white elephant..Then she was betrayed, and believed destroyed--she's now in the hands of Solomani Pirates/rebels in Sarid/Oriflamme subsector, bedevilling the Imps there...
Commercial Ferries are logical, say for J-2/J-3/J-4 rtes rtes for ships of J-1 heritage.
Say a bunch of Beowulf/Morraine class 200dtn ships, want to go to the next cluster over. Its safer and cheaper to let the ferry do the work, save yer Jay's, and fuel, and be shipped as 200dtns of cargo!
This brings me to the next subtopic..LASH system ships...
"Lighter Aboard Ship"-this concept was used by the Imperium in regions where C-class ports or better in frontier regions were scarce...Carrying some NJ Lighters (thats the word for NJ merchant ship) of 20-200dtns.
The largest ones carried some 200 lighters of 100dtns, attached by docking rings/clamps within their jump fields (it displaced some 40ktns total/loaded out). Others carried less, but larger lighters (like 200dtn sized Lighters, Cargo was aboard these spaceships, crews /passengers tended to stay aboard the mothership. One could easily with that 20ktns have 200dtn/ 400dtn lighters that are in reality NJ Fartraders/Subsidized liners...
Turning one into a Ferry!!!!Hey, there's money to be made there...
I believe in a previous thread, the silly TRIAD war threads on random Static between RV, GAB, & Me vs TJ, Nurdboy, & TCJS, I cited an example of this ship as being Hijacked...out of their own convoy.
Last subtopic: Jump tugs.
Jump tugs/barges/frames,shuttles,pods etc..have been around since CT days. Towing ores to systems for refine ment, to moving SDB's along mains, or across J-2 gulfs...
IMTU, the TNE era..(don't panic, I'm not trying to convert ya here!), these remanant ships are utilized (along with converted X-boat tenders)into this rle of beng small LASH ships.
In my SOleean Empire, with its plethora of NJ ships, many of the SDB's, and lighters for insystem developed industries/trade, the Jump spindle concept comes to the fore: Capable of moving 1ktns at J-1, the Buffaloe-class shuttle has a spindle that 5x 200dtn lighters dock/clamp to. Or 2x 400dtn lighters,& 1x 200dtn lighter. Or 10 100dtn lighter/shuttle spacecraft.
In the words of Hard Times author Charles Gannon-"It ain't got to look pretty, it just has to go". Making do with lower tech in the face of Higher tech loss/lack has been a hallmark of many campaigns I've been in, so I became accustomed to such ideas.
Depending on your TU that is.! Thanx fer listening/reading.