I think that for me, Book 2 economics should be used for adventure-seeding. If there's a ridiculous low price for something the PCs want to buy on spec, there should be other ships attracted to the deal, too - and attempting to get in on it, be it by counterbidding or by force. If the PCs have something to sell and the price is crazily high, there should be a reason presented... and there should be obstacles placed in their path to overcome.
I agree that the mad fluctuations of the LBB2 trade table don't model the rationalized markets of the OTU Imperium all that well. I do think they suit a much smaller, much younger, more fragmented TU with fewer ships and smaller trade organizations.
(Naturally, since MPTU is best described this way, I have few problems with LBB2 trade.)
As I envision MTU, ships are few enough and much of the 3x3 subsector pocket empire is undeveloped enough that the arrival of a ship with full holds is enough to have a drastic effect on a local market; as I rationalize it, the coming and going of starships is itself a cause of the massive fluctuations that occur.
I agree that the mad fluctuations of the LBB2 trade table don't model the rationalized markets of the OTU Imperium all that well. I do think they suit a much smaller, much younger, more fragmented TU with fewer ships and smaller trade organizations.
(Naturally, since MPTU is best described this way, I have few problems with LBB2 trade.)
As I envision MTU, ships are few enough and much of the 3x3 subsector pocket empire is undeveloped enough that the arrival of a ship with full holds is enough to have a drastic effect on a local market; as I rationalize it, the coming and going of starships is itself a cause of the massive fluctuations that occur.