Please, do not spin this. I suggested 1 500kdt TL15 cruiser against Earth.
Twisting it a bit is not impressive. Bruised sure...
I think Vladika just likes toast. He's been like this ever since he ran into that flame-headed Test boy.
However this was not the point. Even the Zulu taught the Brits a lesson in warfare. ...
Sometimes the old ways are still pretty effective. As I recall, during the period when they were dealing with the Zulu, the Brits were also still fielding lancers. On the other hand, it's not entirely clear the Zulu wound have made much headway against a WW-I machine-gun company, and spears don't work well against battledress. Certain tech changes the paradigm of war.
... Another note, ships boats, landing craft do not have dampers.
Excellent point. Putting a force on the ground against a prepared and resisting Earth would be very difficult. on the other hand, as you point out, we're discussing orbital bombardment.
On another note, this would be an interesting scenario to play out...
In one sense, it's been played out: Invasion Earth, the board game. And, by canon, a higher tech Earth lost, though there was a lot more in orbit than just one cruiser. (Or dreadnought - at 500 kdT, you're talking about a Tigress-class dreadnought.) There's a potential within the game systems to come up with a High Guard or MegaTrav based scenario where a single large ship duels with a TL8 earth and its thousands of nuclear missiles. I'd run it as a First Imperium Vilani ship, though - the tech level difference is more workable. Would be a most interesting exchange to game.
The real thread question was is a Battlecruiser fitting for a Bombardment Cruiser refit. Well, probably not without significant alterations.
Also, what size cruiser do you turn into Bombardment cruisers. A TL14 going into extended life refit?
I would want something heavily armored to resist the inevitable hits. TL14's fine since the armor there's no different from TL15. High agility to minimize the number of hits. So, look for some obsolescent ship that's both heavily armored and highly agile - which probably means it'll be something with a low jump range, but that's not a problem in a ship intended to be brought up after the space battle's settled. Best would be an obsolescent battlerider - they're typically heavily armored and highly agile, no jump range issue since that depends on the tender that's carrying them, no retreat problem since a planet can't punch through the front line and chase down my tender, and I wouldn't need to worry about putting an expensive jump drive into harm's way.
Size P or lower - less size penalty, still plenty of room for ordnance; battleriders don't tend to go above that anyway. Much smaller is better since this thing may end up getting smoked by ground-based meson fire; never put too many egg in one basket when playing against meson fire.
Retrofit to a Model/9 computer irrespective of the former TL - a cheap refit that makes a world of difference. Retrofit to a Factor 9 meson screen, 'cause - well, you know. Other than that, just make sure the weapons are appropriate to the orbital bombardment role - no PAs, heavy on the missile bays and so forth. There's not actually a need for a lot of change if you start with the right base design.