This is how I explain Jump IMTU,
Imagine a rubber band being stretched from the ship location to the destination, that is what the astrogator is doing calculating where to stretch the rubber band. The Jump drive is spun up the rubber band is stretched and when the ship pops into jump space the end of the rubber band on the ships side is let go. The ship rides the wave to the destination and is popped out of jump space with the same momentum it had when it entered.
It only takes a week for the "rubber band to contract". Now the bigger the jump drive the farther you are able to stretch the "rubber band" which stores more energy causing the ship to still only take a week to "ride the wave" to the destination. It simply goes faster in jump space.
Jump space is a parallel universe with varying laws of physics than our own universe. Our universe makes its presence felt in jump space through the force of gravity. Hold a rubber band stretched out, have someone pinch the center of it and let one end go. That would represent a gravity well interrupting a jump.
Granted I never really got into Physics, didn't even have to take it in college, but to have the actual ship go from particle to wave and stretch out over a parsec distant, I’m not going for it. Creating a wave that physically affects a parallel universe, punching into that universe and riding the wave to the destination, I personally like that better.
It's my story and I'm sticken with it.