Survival roll: Even if the character
has sufficient life-support capability in
his vacc suit and performs the de-orbit
maneuver correctly, there is still a
possibility for a fatal accident to occur.
Some of the more common accidents
are: the orbit may be too high to
achieve re-entry from, the foam in the
kit may be faulty and burn through on
re-entry, the shield might tumble during
re-entry, the character might vomit in
his helmet and suffocate before he
reached the ground, the main parachute
might not deploy, etc. Roll 9+ on 2D to
survive re-entry and the descent to the
planet's surface. Before applying DMs,
check the number showing on the dice:
a roll of 2 is always fatal, regardless of
any positive DMs. DMS: +½ per level of
vacc suit or battle dress skill, +1 per
level of computer expertise, +1 per
navigation or pilot skill, +½ zero-G
-1 if planet has type B (corrosive)
atmosphere, -2 if the planet has a type
C (insidious) atmosphere.
After adding all DMs together, round
up to the nearest whole number. All
DMs are cumulative.
Note: There is no easier way to
kill off a character than to force him to
abandon ship and attempt re-entry of a
type 3 atmosphere.