No contradiction. In a normal jump you will emerge somewhere between 151 and 185 hours after entering, most of the time a lot closer to the average than that (the last bit is assuming jump durations follow a bell curve). So when the clock edges into the 175-180 hours elapsed, tensions begin to mount, and when you pass 185 hours you know you're in trouble....but seriously I seem to recall a Q&A or some such where Marc Miller clarified that it was a random effect in the reality of the game. Ships really do drop out of jump with only a vague idea of where they are and enter jump with the same vagueness of when they'll get there. Though it is contrary to at least one bit of (semi-)canon lore, from SOM (and istr some elsewhere) about knowing you've misjumped when the countdown clock passes the anticipated time of jump precipitation, or you drop out before the anticipated time.