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Jumping in with both feet...

Well, inspite of the errata corrected 2nd printing coming soon and my misgivings about T20, I went out and bought it today. I found a minty fresh copy at Barnes and Noble (I've only seen beat to hell copies at my FLGS) and I had a $20.00 gift card from Christmas so I figured why not just buy it and find out for myself if it is any good or not. I really liked Personal Weapons of Charted Space and so far I like the quality of the T20 book, so wish me luck. Perhaps this game doesn't suck after all...
Much luck! :D Just make sure to print out the main errata and download the corrected Standard Designs file asap.

Surprised you found beat up copies at your FLGS, usually the book's pretty sturdy and tends to beat up other d20 hardcovers. Maybe they got bored with the other d20 books and started picking fights with each other.

<mantra> Just remember T20 is not equal to the D20 SRD which is not equal to D&D3E. </mantra>

So what d20 core book are you planning on using with T20 or are you just going to wait until you see if you like THB/get the player's handbook?

Welcome to the club! :D

I think you'll find yourself liking the T20 version - you will want to buy the players handbook when it comes out, as it may merge rules, errata and core rules together so it takes less page flipping to fid out how to run combat.

You'll also have lots of fun with the T20 design rules, they are kind of as simple as CT, but have some nice options from FF&S, without the nasty design rules.
I might add that unless you're living in a desert area, you don't absolutely need a Corebook...

Just find someone that knows D20 and take a few pages of notes.

at least, that's what I did
Hello gentle Sapients.
Question without notice.
Now that wizards are changing the D&D rule books (does anyone know how much but the rumours i hear are that the combat rules have been extensivly rewritten )does this change the combat rules in T20 (most of the rules in T20 are mods and additions to the rules).
If D&D is the core rules will the systems (d20) also change.
Yes i know this is nit picking but i havn't posted anything for days and it is a ligit question.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Hello gentle Sapients.
Question without notice.
Now that wizards are changing the D&D rule books (does anyone know how much but the rumours i hear are that the combat rules have been extensivly rewritten )does this change the combat rules in T20 (most of the rules in T20 are mods and additions to the rules).
If D&D is the core rules will the systems (d20) also change.
First off D&D3E is *not* the same thing as the d20 base system which is specifically the d20 SRD . D&D 3.5 *will* likely result in a update to the d20 SRD but I doubt to the d20 Modern SRD . Regardless D&D3.0 is not obsoleted by 3.5 and IMO this should not affect T20 at all, at most you'll have some extra rules/clarifications you can choose to adapt to T20 if you like.

Remember *any* d20 core book can be used with T20, not just the D&D PHB and with the publication of the T20 Player's Book even that won't be needed.

Finally for more answers on what exactly is changing in 3.5 here is a good place to start. Mortality.net radio also had a show with one of the 3.5 people recently.

Plus in 3.5 they are not changing the rules, they are clarifying and errataing it, the core rules will remain the same. Some spells are changing as are one or two feats I believe.
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:
Plus in 3.5 they are not changing the rules, they are clarifying and errataing it, the core rules will remain the same. Some spells are changing as are one or two feats I believe.
This is a kind of a joke so dont take it to seriously (put your soap boxs away and take your Valium).
Start of message.
Does this mean that from now on we (the players) will have to start paying for any and all errata because they (the owners) have it seems found a new way to rip more money off of us by selling us the errata as a new more upgraded book of rules.
Falls of soap box (valium cut in).
Originally posted by Casey:
Much luck! :D Just make sure to print out the main errata and download the corrected Standard Designs file asap.

Surprised you found beat up copies at your FLGS, usually the book's pretty sturdy and tends to beat up other d20 hardcovers. Maybe they got bored with the other d20 books and started picking fights with each other.

<mantra> Just remember T20 is not equal to the D20 SRD which is not equal to D&D3E. </mantra>

So what d20 core book are you planning on using with T20 or are you just going to wait until you see if you like THB/get the player's handbook?

I've already got the D&D3e Player's Handbook. I bought it on the first day they released it (Aug. 15, 2000). I can't say I really like 3rd edition, but that may have as much to do with the lack luster campaigns I've played in over the last three years as anything else.

Every other copy of the book I've seen had dog eared corners as though it had been dropped on a hard floor repeatly. My guess is not all of the books arrived from the distributor in tip top shape.

So far I'm liking what I've read. Combat seems more convoluted than needed but I've heard from other posts that it actually works really well. I thought combat in HARN was a big mess until I played my first game and discovered how fun it actually was. I hope to find this true in T20 as well.
Originally posted by Secrect Cow Level:
So far I'm liking what I've read. Combat seems more convoluted than needed but I've heard from other posts that it actually works really well. I thought combat in HARN was a big mess until I played my first game and discovered how fun it actually was. I hope to find this true in T20 as well.
Make yourself familiar with person to person combat first, and make sure you have the standard D20 rules for range increments and cover mods to hitting handy, as one test firefight will show that cover is your friend. Consider, if you intend to run the game right off, dropping the extra money and getting "76 Gunmen", as it will give you a proper stock of threats and targets right away...