I am curious as to what opinions other people have regarding how the interior of Imperial Naval vessels (years 1080 - 1105) generally appear.
Does one imagine the sleek and clean bright interiors of the USS Enterprise or would the dark, grimy and gritty interior of the USCSS Nostromo from Alien be a more fitting aesthetic? Or something in-between?
Particularly the decks: the grating of the Nostromo or the seamless decks of the Enterprise?
I recently purchased the UNSC Hardsuits from GZG for the Kinunir class contingent of ship's troops. I am basing them on .5mm washers which fit all the CT 15mm deck plans. However, I don't want to use terrain basing materials for ship's troops (or crews for that matter). I was thinking of cutting circles of thin styrene plastic over the washer then cutting the white metal bases from the feet of the minis and drilling a hole for wire in the foot, which then corresponds to a hole drilled in the base. The question is how the plastic on the base should look as a deck of an Imperial Naval vessel (as well as a Scout Type-S for my 15mm scout crew.)
I'm trying to come as close to canon as possible and looking at some of the traveller art out there, it seems there are interpretations of both the above aesthetics imagined and drawn.
So, I thought I would post the question and see what others in the community thought.
Does one imagine the sleek and clean bright interiors of the USS Enterprise or would the dark, grimy and gritty interior of the USCSS Nostromo from Alien be a more fitting aesthetic? Or something in-between?
Particularly the decks: the grating of the Nostromo or the seamless decks of the Enterprise?
I recently purchased the UNSC Hardsuits from GZG for the Kinunir class contingent of ship's troops. I am basing them on .5mm washers which fit all the CT 15mm deck plans. However, I don't want to use terrain basing materials for ship's troops (or crews for that matter). I was thinking of cutting circles of thin styrene plastic over the washer then cutting the white metal bases from the feet of the minis and drilling a hole for wire in the foot, which then corresponds to a hole drilled in the base. The question is how the plastic on the base should look as a deck of an Imperial Naval vessel (as well as a Scout Type-S for my 15mm scout crew.)
I'm trying to come as close to canon as possible and looking at some of the traveller art out there, it seems there are interpretations of both the above aesthetics imagined and drawn.
So, I thought I would post the question and see what others in the community thought.