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Land Grab: Rampart/Limon (Reft 3030); Classic Era (1115) A434200-F

I have H&E running on my system. Do you want me to dump a generation or two of details on you. I'd prefer to send it to you via attachment in email because it is a lot stuff, and you need to decide what you need/want.

OK, received your email today, and now I'm home from work, can give it a better glance before setting down to work with it - a very fast skim over the data provided reveals a shedload of stuff with which to work, so many, many thanks for this, Thomas :D
OK, a brief taster of what I received from Thomas (note: This is copied from the HTML, slightly tidied up for readability, added a few notes onto the ends of a few of the worlds, then dumped them here like a load of Lego bricks ;) )...

1. Date of Preparation 11/2/2015
2a. System Name Rampart
2b. Hex Location 3030
3a. Sector Reft
3b. Subsector Limon
4. Star Name -
5a. Spectrum M
5b. Size 3
6. Magnitude V



0  -   Rampart I  Alpha             A434200-F Ni Lo     Main World

1  -   Rampart I  Beta              XC00000-0 -         GAS GIANT
-  5   Rampart I  Beta Ay           YS00100-F  Re       Restricted Access - SDB Sqn Base
-  6   Rampart I  Beta Bee          G230120-E  -
-  7   Rampart I  Beta See          Y100100-E  -        Naval solar weather observation station
-  8   Rampart I  Beta Dee          Y360123-E  -
-  9   Rampart I  Beta Ee           H230132-E  -
-  10  Rampart I  Beta Eff          Y437100-F  Re       Restricted Access - Naval Facility
-  11  Rampart I  Beta Gee          G100100-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Tracking station
2  -   Rampart I  Gamma             XC00000-0  -        GAS GIANT
-  2   Rampart I  Gamma Ay          YR00000-0  -	RING
-  3   Rampart I  Gamma Bee         YR00000-0  -        RING
-  5   Rampart I  Gamma See         Y556162-E  -        Imperial Navy Brig & Live Fire Ranges (see notes)
-  6   Rampart I  Gamma Dee         Y321100-E  -
-  7   Rampart I  Gamma Ee          Y508113-E  -        Corporate Research Station
-  9   Rampart I  Gamma Eff         Y102000-0  -
-  12  Rampart I  Gamma Gee         Y270000-0  -
-  30  Rampart I  Gamma Aitch       Y100100-E  -        Naval Navigation Beacon & comms relay station
-  35  Rampart I  Gamma Eye         Y360100-F  Re       Restricted Access - Naval Facility
-  40  Rampart I  Gamma Jay         Y431120-E  -

3  -   Rampart I  Delta             F100130-F  Re       Restricted Access - Research Station

4  -   Rampart I  Epsilon           H100112-E  -
-  5   Rampart I  Epsilon Ay        HS00120-E  -

9  -   Companion Star  -  -

11  -  Rampart I Mu                 H135163-E  -
12  -  Rampart I Nu                 F627160-F  Re       Restricted Access - Orbital Bombardment Ranges


0  -   Rampart II Alpha             Y130166-E  -

1  -   Rampart II Beta              F140000-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Remote Tracking station
-  5   Rampart II Beta Ay           HS00000-0  -
-  6   Rampart II Beta Bee          GS00110-E  -
-  35  Rampart II Beta See          YS00130-F  Re       Restricted Access - Research Station

2  -   Rampart II Gamma             G100000-F  Re       Restricted Access - SDB Sqn Base
-  10  Rampart II Gamma Ay          YS00100-E  -

3  -   Rampart II Delta             X000000-0  -

4  -   Rampart II Epsilon           G120162-F  Re       Monastic Order retreat
-  1   Rampart II Epsilon Ay        YR00000-0  -        RING
-  5   Rampart II Epsilon Bee       YS00115-E  -
-  7   Rampart II Epsilon See       YS00124-F  Re       Restricted Access - Research Station


Gamma See - Effectively an Ice world, all brig inmates housed and work in linked hab domes which are semi-submerged into insulated foundations on the permafrost.

As you can see, there's a LOT of work to be done ;)
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OK, received your email today, and now I'm home from work, can give it a better glance before setting down to work with it - a very fast skim over the data provided reveals a shedload of stuff with which to work, so many, many thanks for this, Thomas :D

This is both the usefulness of H&E, and it's curse. There are 36 worlds and moons in the system, each with their own page of details, map, and small notes. Between a social outlook profile, a temperature worksheets, 22 animal encounter tables, economics profiles, and a dozen other details there is a real story and set of adventures waiting. H&E only does the first half of this work. The larger, and more interesting, half I look forward to seeing.
Heh, there's the understatement of the year ;) Yep, LOTS of work involved in the second half, but at least it's fairly manageable; two of the moons are actually rings, it's very low pop, about a third to half of the objects are classified 're' for either Reserve or Restrictions (I've chosen the latter, it being effectively a Navy-owned System), and the hard work of working out the landmasses (or lack of water in most cases) has already been done by H&E; all I need to do is tart it all up a bit, add colour where required, and get it out there :) May take a bit longer than I was planning, but that's why I like H&E. If only it could be properly ported to Linux :( Oh well :(

Gamma Cee, the ice world with the IN Brig...



Comments, opinions, suggestions, critique?

PS - yes, I know I spelt 'See' as 'Cee'. D'oh. It'll be fixed in the master file in Campaign Cartographer 2 ;)
Right, main website page up with basic data is not up; it'll be modified over time to include links to other pages there, but this is the bare-bones page with the seeds of the system in place. Linkage here.

Comments and observations/critique appreciated, please.
OK, system snapshot/overview up, H&E data posted and linked, and a couple of adventure hooks are up too :)

Still got a LOT (read: Mahooooooosive amounts of work and imagery) to do, but the basics are up, enjoy :)
So, I'm currently trying to figure out what kind of Numbered Fleet the 130th is for the Rampart Land Grab, so that I can detail it properly.

And I'm drawing a blank. so, some help would be appreciated from more knowledgable types on here (me being a confirmed ground pounder Provost type ;) )...

Per book 5, High Guard (1980 ed), pp 26, there are a number of standard primary and secondary ship classifications that can be combined to produce final ship classifications.

Then there are the descriptions of fleets, found in Supplement 9, "Fighting Ships", pp 9-10, detailing the typical classes of ship that can be found in the various Imperial Fleets (Scouts, Escorts, Cruisers, Carriers, Battleships, Other Vessels). They apparently group Destroyers in with Escorts, for some reason I can't fathom).

Then there's the article in the Wiki, regarding the various types or classes of Fleet (http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Imperial_Navy#TO.26E_.28Organization.29); these are assault, battle, interdiction, penetration, strike, reserve, and depot.

The listed numbered fleets in the Wiki also tend to have listings of the make-up of these fleets, which give good examples of the various types/classes of fleet.


I see nothing in there for defensive, or border protection, fleets. These are the fleets that I would imagine would be there to defend the low-risk areas of the Imperial borders, places for where there is an assessment that there is little or no chance of an invader trying to encroach on Imperial space and worlds, where the only thing likely to happen is maybe a pirate or two here and there.

So, the questions are these:

  • Is such a defensive fleet plausible
  • If such a defensive fleet is plasible, what would you expect the fleet makup to be comprised of, and
  • If such a defensive fleet is NOT plausible, given the Reft sector, and the relatively low-threat worlds in the neighbouring Islands cluster (Old Islands and New Islands subsectors), what type of fleet (as described in the Wiki) would the Imperium be most likely to stick on the Imperial border there as the 130th Imperial Fleet?

thanks for any ideas and suggestions you might have :)
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