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Laser-based chemical detector


SOC-14 1K

The above inspired the following:

TL 9 Chemical Detector Handheld 1kg, Cr500, 100 m range
This unit has the ability to classify an essentially limitless number of molecules of chemical elements and compounds, but must be programmed from a hand computer to scan for up to 50, based on the data on their molecular vibrational frequency. The unit will list these on its screen and that of a nearby hand (or other) computer.

This is a strictly line-of-sight affair, and can be set for the approximate range of detection; in the alternative, it can function at a range from the solid object lased. This allows the operator to point it at a readily observed reference point, and designate the range within which detection. It can be mounted coaxially on any weapon with an electronic sight, with a remote switch that can be used to trigger operation; the last reading remains on the screen.

The unit can just be operated without any range, but it will just indicate which compounds have been found along its beam, but not where.

TL 11 Chemical Detector Handheld .3kg, Cr300, 300 m range
As with the TL 9 unit, but the unit can be used to feed data into HUDs for vehicles, battle dress, or those (usually optional) units in combat armor. It may be set to scan for up to 1000 compounds, but must be told to prioritize by range, concentration, or other criteria (such as toxicity, or uses). Can be mounted and bore-sighted in 2 combat rounds using standard mounting attachments to any TL9-11 long arm using electronic sights.

The unit has different modes which will scan for certain compounds, including Ground Combat, Counterinsurgency, Shipboard Combat, Hunting, Mine Safety, Medical Safety, Chemical Warfare, Biological Warfare, Engineering, Electronics, and Mechanical, among many others. These modes will change not only the compounds scanned for, but the weights afforded in prioritization. The display will also give interpretations, that may vary by mode; methane in Counterinsurgency mode, for instance, is more likely to be interpreted as indicating a booby trap, than in Chemical Warfare or Engineering. The modes can also be tweaked, with a hand computer, by TL; those ground combat facing a TL 9 enemy would give different weights and interpretations than that facing a TL 11 enemy. Note that the results must be scrolled through. Thus a unit in Ground Combat mode might pick up the same methane that one in Counterinsurgency Mode would, but prioritize it far lower (number 217 instead of number 3), and give other interpretations. Using a Hand Computer, and multiple measurements, a 3D model can be constructed in 10 combat rounds to better predict the type and location of the source. The modes use combinations of chemicals to cross-reference readings and provide more accurate interpretations. Access to data up to TL15 can be used to program the unit to make predictions based on chemical employment patterns up to TL15.

A Sampling mode exists, which can remotely lase a creature or object, and store the chemical signature. The Tracking mode can then be used to track the organism or object closely if out of direct sight. For organisms, the closer in time between the Sampling and Tracking, the better the tracking, based on environmental and biological changes. ["O.K. I am trying to break contact. I run around the corner and attempt to flatulate. Do I see any cheap perfume in any shop windows?"]
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Ah - my 'Molecular Laser Scanner' circa early '90s. :)

Thanks for the link and the writeup! Mine has an added feature (actually related to my RL non-destructive testing research, at the time). My CT style description:

Molecular Laser Scanner (8) Cr1000. Handheld device capable of performing atmospheric scanning (using Raman techniques) and material near-surface scanning (via optical backscatter). The MLS is capable of recognizing all commonly known natural and artificial molecular compounds. Unrecognized substances can be analyzed for possible identification of chemical characteristics (min Educ of 9, throw 8+, +1 per level of Medical).​

While not stated, mine was a relatively short range device intended to be used by a Medic (effectively the Science Officer - since such skills where not needed all the time) - I hadn't thought about it for 'bomb' detection or long range. More as a ST style Tricorder - mostly used to make sure the air was safe or detect what things were made of (usually things the party intended to shoot ;) ).

Those writeups seem so quaint now. I never had more than 6 or 7 LBBs, so I made up quite a lot of our equipment. Really should update these to MgT... the task system works so much better and skills offer a better match. Back then, Medic skill served as our general 'science' skill. Of course, tech has changed some as well.
Ah - my 'Molecular Laser Scanner' circa early '90s. :)

Molecular Laser Scanner (8) Cr1000. Handheld device capable of performing atmospheric scanning (using Raman techniques) and material near-surface scanning (via optical backscatter). The MLS is capable of recognizing all commonly known natural and artificial molecular compounds. Unrecognized substances can be analyzed for possible identification of chemical characteristics (min Educ of 9, throw 8+, +1 per level of Medical).​

While not stated, mine was a relatively short range device

Well, yours is really idealized for a solid object, "What's THIS?" as well as scanning the immediate atmosphere, as opposed to a standoff that's going to look for everything in the atmosphere. A very loose analogy would be a magnifying glass vs a telescope. Also, slightly lower tech, so less ananlysis, and more "raw data." What is the mass of yours?
Yep - that was its purpose. In CT mass wasn't stat'ed if 'easily carried or worn', so I never made up any for handheld or belt hanging stuffs.

In the 80's I made up long winded, highly detailed writeups for every piece of equipment and gadget - by the 90's I'd gotten to just following Book 1-3 style terse paragraphs.